“Yes, there is.” I lift my head so I can see her eyes clearly. “I want you, Penelope. There’s no doubt about that. But that’s not all I want from you. I promised you a date, so you’re getting one, even if my dick is hard as rock the entire time.”

She reaches between us and rubs her hand up and down my cock, making me even harder and forcing me to close my eyes to concentrate and remind myself of the end game here. “You’d rather torture yourself than give in just a bit?”

“Yes, because I want you to believe me when I say that your happiness matters more than my dick.”

She rears back. “I don’t know if that’s incredibly romantic or a little crude.”

“Both,” I reply on a laugh before grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door. “Now let’s go, or we’re going to miss it.”

“Miss what?”

“You’ll see when we get there.”

Penelope grabs her purse and locks her door, and then we’re off toward the Westridge-Canyonback Wilderness Park for our date.

When we pull into the parking lot, Penelope turns to face me in her seat. “What are we doing?”

I reach over the center console and cup the side of her face. “We’re going on a hike, sweetheart.”

A soft smile builds on her lips. “What?”

“You told me last week that one thing you wish you had more time for was hiking, so that’s what we’re going to do.” I reach behind my seat for my backpack filled with snacks and water and find my baseball cap, securing it on top of my head. “Plus, it shouldn’t be too crowded, so our chances of being seen together are fairly slim. My hat and sunglasses should help conceal my identity a bit, anyway, and once we get to the top, we’re going to watch the sunset together.”

Her lips part as she sucks in a breath. “I... I don’t even know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, Penelope. I’m just glad we’re here together right now, that you made time for me tonight and all of the other nights so far. And hopefully, we’ll make more.”

In a flash, she leans over the console and captures my lips with her own, thanking me without using any words. And I am totally okay with that.

Once Penelope gives me my lips back, I lock my truck and we head for the trail that I researched would give us the best view and the most privacy, hopefully. The excitement I feel just being with her only solidifies that my idea had merit.

Our shoes crunch along the gravel and dirt for a few minutes before Penelope finally turns to me and speaks. “You sure you don’t want me to carry anything?”

I hike the backpack up a little more on my shoulders. “Nope. You just enjoy the view while I carry all of our stuff like a pack mule.”

“Suit yourself.”

“So how was your day at work?”

She sighs. “Busy. I had a meeting with Liam and a few other people from the Bolts’ staff today, actually.”

“Oh, yeah? And how did that go?”

“Pretty well.” She pauses, which has me concerned.“You sure?”

“Yes, it’s just that they put out an idea I think would be great to promote the team during pre-season, but the final details haven’t been hammered out yet, so I don’t want to say anything until they are.”

I nod. “I get it. It’s okay, Penelope. You don’t have to tell me everything about work. I know it’s weird given that we’re dating now.”

She casts me a glance out of the corner of her eye. “Is that what we’re doing?”

“Sorry to break it to you, babe, but that’sexactlywhat we’re doing.”

I watch her chest rise as she inhales deeply and blows out a big breath. “Okay. I guess it’s time I just accept that, huh?”

“Is dating a scary word for you?”

She scoffs. “Uh, yeah, it is, Maddox. I haven’t been on a date since I was sixteen.”