I stop in my tracks, my mouth gaping. “What?”

When she notices I’m not next to her any longer, she turns around. “What?”

“Why, Pen?”

“I already told you,” she says and starts walking away from me again, so I eagerly hurry to catch up. “I don’t date. Haven’t since then.”

“Is that because you got hurt in the past?”

She nods. “Yes.”


“Look, it’s not like I haven’t been asked.”

“That’s not what I’m saying,” I retort. “I’m just surprised is all.”

“Even our phone dates were new for me, so hopefully you get why this is a big deal to me now. Add in the fact that you’re famousandin the public eyeandplay football... well, it’s just a lot to take in.”

I reach for her arm and pull her into my chest, spinning her around so she’s facing me as we pause on the trail. “Thank you for letting me be the first.”

Her smile is like winning the lottery. “What can I say? You’re very persuasive.”

“You have no idea how persuasive I can be.” I let her go, give her butt a little tap—which makes her shriek—and then we keep moving. “We can talk more about that later. Right now, we have a sunset to catch.”

Engaging in small talk the rest of the way up the hill, we arrive at the peak just as the sun begins to disappear behind the mountain range in the distance. I’m tickled pink that the colors are on point tonight as we both stare off into the distance, watching purples and blues light up the sky.

“God, what a view.”

I look over at her, admiring the upturn of her nose, her smile, and the way she looks so free right now as she gazes at the sight, the tiny hairs on the side of her face waving in the breeze. “You’re telling me.”

Her eyes find mine, and then she walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist at my side as we watch the sun set below the horizon. “Thank you for this.”

“You are most welcome, Penelope. Thank you for giving me your time tonight and providing me a legitimate excuse to get out of going to a club with Hayden.”

She laughs. “Oh, I’m sure he was devastated.”

“He’ll get over it. I’d much rather be here with you.”

She squeezes me tighter. “There’s no place I’d rather be right now, Maddox. Thank you for this. I’m just... a little speechless.”

I lean down and press my lips to hers softly, teasing her with my tongue gently before pulling away. Slowly, I set down my backpack, check our surroundings for company—thankfully, we’re all alone—and then stand behind Penelope so I can wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest.

“I have one more thing to give you while we’re here,” I whisper in her ear before placing a kiss on her neck, licking the spot slightly and then grazing my teeth over her skin.

I feel her melt in my arms, breathing in a tad as she leans her head to the side to grant me better access. “Oh, yeah?” Her hands land on top of mine, squeezing them, but I slowly move mine away from her waist and begin to run them up her ribcage.

“You said there were two things you couldn’t live without,” I declare. “The first one was sunsets.”

“Uh-huh.” Her skin breaks out in goosebumps as I tease the sides of her breasts with my index fingers, trailing them down the exposed skin of her stomach, toying with the top of her spandex capris.

“And do you remember what the second one was?” I nibble on her earlobe, splaying one hand across her stomach as the other one reaches up to turn her head so she can look at me.

“Are you serious?”

I lean in and bite her bottom lip gently. “As a heart attack, baby. It’s time for an orgasm.” Her eyes widen, and then she twists her head around, clearly looking for other people. “Don’t worry, we’re alone.” I turn her head back to me. “I’m going to make you come on my hand right now, Penelope, as you watch the sunset. How’s that sound?”

“Definitely orgasmic,” she breathes out.