Page 50 of One Wild Kiss


Bran’s calendar alert chimed on his phone and he tapped the screen without looking. Today had been hectic as hell, and the very last thing he wanted to do was walk to the other side of their floor and into a conference room to meet with Bernie Belfry, an old golfing buddy of his dad’s who also happened to be a premium investor in ThomKnox.

Thank God Addi had arranged the necessary paperwork. He grabbed the bundle, neatly stapled in one corner, from the inbox on her desk.

His mood lightened some as his thoughts turned to Addi. It was hard to be upset about anything when they had a date tonight at her place. Sex made for a great release valve after work, which he’d always known. But sex with her was also completely hassle-free. That was a nice perk.

He passed Royce’s office, intending to flip him off for sticking Bran with Bernie, but his brother didn’t look up from his computer screen.

In the corridor, Bran came to the last conference room on the right and stopped, considering. They rarely used this one unless the others were full.

He was surprised to find the door shut, and even more surprised to find it locked. Before he could wonder what Bernie was doing in there, the lock disengaged and the handle turned easily under his grip.

“Catching a nap before the meeting?” Bran asked as he stepped in. He opened his mouth to continue the how’s-the-weather and how’s-the-wife small talk, but when he laid eyes on the person in the room, every thought shot out of his head.

Addi eased onto the conference table, her legs crossed. He took her in by snatches, his eyes moving too fast to focus. There were simply too many good parts to look at all at once.

Skirt: black and rucked to her thighs, revealing lacy garter straps attached to black thigh-high stockings.

Blouse: bright pink and unbuttoned halfway, revealing a wealth of cleavage.

Hair: down, tumbling over her shoulders in loose, light waves.

Hands: braced on the edge of the table.

High-heeled shoes: swinging in a rhythm that matched his own escalating heartbeats.

He shut the door behind him, grateful for the lock. Really grateful.

“Hello, Mr. Knox,” she purred, her mouth spreading into a smile.

“Hello, Ms. Abrams.” He held up the papers as he stalked toward her. “Guess I don’t need this?”

She shook her head, pursing those tempting pink lips to say, “Nope.”

He chucked the report into the wastebasket. A conference room romp hadn’t occurred to him. Okay, okay, it had, but only in his fantasies. Being caught flirting was one thing, pants around his ankles in his place of work was another altogether.

But then that sounded too roped off and rules driven for his taste. He wanted to put as much distance as possible between him and the work-hard guy he’d been earlier this year. Taking Addi up on her offer of a boardroom tryst ought to help in that endeavor.

His eyes snapped from her chest to her legs. Damn. He had no idea where to start.

She solved that conundrum for him, grasping his hands and putting them on her breasts. Next, she snagged his neck and tugged his mouth down to hers for a scintillating kiss.

“How far?” she asked between kisses, running her fingers along the buttons of his shirt.

“What?” He blinked stupidly. “How far, what?”

“How far do you want this to go? My plan was to tempt you, but I respect that this is our place of work and if you—”

He smothered the rest of her words with his mouth and unbuckled his pants, dropping them to his ankles as she laughed into his kiss.

“How much time do we have?” He didn’t want to rush.

“Your three o’clock is with Royce and Taylor.”

That gave him about thirty minutes before he met with his brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law. They’d forgive him if he was a few minutes late.

“You didn’t give me long.” He unbuttoned the rest of her shirt and opened her bra, freeing her beautiful breasts.