Page 51 of One Wild Kiss

“I wasn’t sure—” she gasped as he suckled her nipple “—how much you’d want to do in here.”

“More than we have time for,” he said on a growl. He tossed her shoes to the floor and lifted her skirt. The garters and stockings could stay right where they were. By the time he’d rolled her black panties down her legs, he was as hard as iron.

He slipped his fingers along her folds and found her wet and warm. Head dropped back, blond waves brushing the top of the conference table, she was a fantasy come to life. Behind her, a view of the mountains in the distance interrupted a perfect blue sky through the tinted windows, but the view before him was ten times as appealing.

“We need a condom, Addison. Did you prepare for that, too?”

She sat up on her elbows, her cheeks flushed. “Under the plant.”


She nodded.

Sure enough, under the large potted plant in the corner was a square of foil. They were home free.

“You’ve done this before?” he asked, the condom scissored between two fingers.

“Yeah, right.” She laughed, a glorious sight with her breasts bared in the air-conditioned room and framed by her bright pink shirt. “Who do you think I am?”

He rolled on the protection, shaking his head. “At the moment, I’m not sure.”

Tugging her legs so that she met him at the edge of the table, he cupped her ass and held on tight. She wrapped her ankles around his back and gripped his shoulders as he slid in the first few inches. Her moan wasn’t quiet.

Good thing those other two conference rooms were vacant.

He continued working them into a sweat, gently shushing her whenever her high-pitched cries threatened to be overheard. She covered her mouth with her hand, her smile evident beneath her palm. God, she was beautiful. And fun and incredible. He’d had no idea a vixen lurked beneath the polished veneer of his professional executive assistant. She was like having a naughty librarian on call.

Probably it was too much to hope for to gift her with an orgasm in the limited time they had, but it wouldn’t keep him from trying. He navigated his thumb between their bodies as he entered her over and over again. By the time he lowered his tongue to her breast, he felt her tightening around him, her breathy sighs curling into his ear.

Her orgasm came not a second too soon. His release followed hers, though he was better than she was at monitoring the volume of his voice.

“Sorry. Loud,” she panted before she kissed his ear. A shudder climbed his spine and zoomed down again.

“I hope I don’t have to think in this meeting,” he said. “Can’t.”

“Mmm. Worth it if you ask me.” She kissed his cheek.

“Totally worth it.” His hand on her jaw, he angled her mouth toward his when a sharp knock came at the door, followed by the jiggling of the handle.

“Helloooo? Is someone in there? We have a three o’clock for this room!”


Bran pegged Addi with a look. “You booked the same conference room?”

“The other rooms were booked for three o’clock!” she whispered. “I didn’t, ah, think this would take that long?”

“You underestimate me.” He gave her a hard kiss. “Don’t let it happen again.”

Taylor knocked and this time he responded. “Keep your skirt on, I’ll be right there.” Then to Addi, he said, “You should probably put yours on. Panties optional.”

“What are you doing to me?” she asked with a smile as she scurried to redress.

He could ask her the same thing.

Addison’s hands shook along with her legs. It was like she’d been submerged into a Jell-O mold.

Not only had Bran turned her on in minutes flat, but he’d done it at work. She’d been excited all day, planning her sexy surprise in the conference room. The hidden condom was wishful thinking. She hadn’t counted on actual sex, which explained why she hadn’t considered the piggybacked meetings.