Though she faltered slightly at the beginning, by the end, her voice remained calm and steady. It helped that she focused on his eyes, nothing else. They guided and supported her.

Then Maggie and Talion stepped back to their sides, unwinding the ribbons. As Maggie finished, she whispered, “You did it.” She gave an impish smile. “Well, you’re half-way through. The fun part will come later tonight.” Cal tried to glare, but it came out a smile. Relian favored Maggie with his own smile, as he seemed to overhear her words. Talion responded to it all with a quiet laugh. Cal's heart rate slowed down but only by a notch.

Talion lost no time in calling her and Relian forward. “It is with much happiness that I present the Prince and Princess of Eria, Relian and Calantha.”

She was again startled to hear her given name, but she had to admit it sounded far more regal than Cal. After that came the well-wishers, and with them, more names than Cal could keep track. She watched Relian closely and mimicked his actions. Nearly everyone she’d spoken to had told her that was the safe way to satisfy proper etiquette until she learned all the rules herself.

It seemed everyone desired to greet and talk with them. Her head swam, but as she looked around, the crowds stretched on. Feelings of happiness, nervousness, and of being overwhelmed swirled around in her blood. She wanted to break down in tears but wouldn’t let herself, because she now had a very public role to fulfill.

Relian stroked the back of her hand and bent down to whisper during one rare lull. “Though I’m afraid we can’t escape yet, I think I can arrange for the feast to start soon. After that will be dancing. We’ll be expected to partake in a few of those before we can disappear for the evening.”

Cal’s cheeks warmed at the mention of disappearing for the evening, but she was glad for any chance of escape. Still, the thought that everyone would know what they’d be doing sent even more heat to her face.

Relian’s mouth twitched into a minute smile. “Come, let us see about food.” With that, they quickly cut a path toward his father before anyone could waylay them.

As it turned out, Talion had just given the orders for the feast to begin. Many of the tables were already in place, as were the applicable plates, bowls, cups, and silverware. The tables only awaited the various foodstuffs the servants would place on them.

Relian led her to the main table and procured a seat to the left of his father. Cal wearily folded into the chair on Relian's right. When he scooted her chair in for her, she gave a slight sigh of contentment. She didn’t want to move. Her clouded head threatened to drift away. It was probably from her lack of sleep the night before, as she’d fallen asleep in the early hours of the morning.

A servant, with an ewer of wine, topped her goblet. She eagerly reached for that little bit of oblivion. It burned a lively path through her body, jolting her into a somewhat more aware state. Cal looked curiously around the table. She hadn’t paid much attention to the seating arrangements. To her relief, Maggie was nearby, partnered with Kenhel. Or was it Avrin? She couldn’t be sure, as both sat by Maggie, and all three were engaged in conversation.

The wine wasn’t half-bad. The fortifying sips instilled a kind of courage and bolstered her mood. She wasn’t particularly hungry, but with Relian piling her plate with food, she ate more than she’d anticipated. She glanced over at his. If anything, he supplied himself with less. That wasn’t fair. She shrugged and speared another forkful of meat. The food was delicious. She never deprived herself, so why start now?

Of course, she needed to wash that down with another mouthful of wine. The glass remained quite full, but she only noticed a servant replenishing it once. She quite liked her new pattern: a bite of food chased down by a sip of wine.

Just before dessert arrived, she set down her fork. When the server came around with his thoughtfully full ewer of wine, he went to refill her glass. She didn’t quibble. That was until a hand came down in front of her goblet, and a softly spoken “no, thank you” sounded next to her.

“Hey.” Cal squinted at Relian. “I wanted more.”

He gazed at her skeptically. “I think you passed ‘more’ after the second glass.”


“This would’ve been your fourth. You usually don’t drink heavily, so no more would be wise.”

“Oh.” She thought for a moment and frowned. “That’s too bad.”

“I think you’re tipsy.”

Cal stilled, and her grimace slipped away into a happy grin. “Yeah, I think you may be right.”

“Definitely no more for you tonight.”


He leaned in. His breath fanned hot against her cheek. “I can think of one thing that you won’t call me spoilsport in tonight.” His voice, laden in promise, raked down her spine. Soberness crept back into her mind, mingling with the tipsiness.

“Uh,” she squeaked, but some little devilish spirit propelled her to meet spice with spice. “Well, I’ll hold you to that. I expect good showmanship in all areas.”

He chuckled. “If this is how you become when you drink, I’ll have to make sure the wine flows freely around you.” His tone took on a seductive huskiness. “And I promise to live up to any particular requirements you may have.” He grinned wickedly. “We might have to invent a few new categories to test. What say you?”

“Sounds like a deal, my elf lover boy.” She giggled and then snapped her mouth shut. Good Lord, she didn’t want anything else to slip out.

He chuckled and slung his arm casually over the back of her chair, hugging her shoulders. She guessed the time for formality was over, at least for a while, and she sat in contentment as conversation buzzed around her.

The cacophony of musicians tuning their instruments rang through the clearing. Relian sprang lithely from his seat and held out a hand. “Come, my lady, it’s time for us to dance.”

She took his hand and let him pull her up. A thought struck her fuddled mind, an important one everybody had neglected. “I don’t know how to dance, especially not elvin style.”