Relian seemed unconcerned. “Don’t worry. I will lead and do most of the work. Just follow and you’ll be fine.”

He guided her to the middle of the clearing, which was free of tables. Talion already stood there and soon addressed the gathering crowd. After his short speech about making merry, official dancing then commenced.

True to his word, Relian led her through the first dance without any undue trouble. He kept the footwork simple, and most of the other couples followed suit. The twirls and spins made Cal dizzy, but his arms held her securely, lifting and making her glide throughout all their movements. She supposed she could’ve been more graceful, but the wine and the many eyes on them didn’t help. On second thought, the wine probably did help.

She whipped her head to the right. There, whirling by her, was the king. That wouldn’t be cause for alarm except for one little detail—Maggie was the female in his arms. Her friend wore the expression of a cornered animal, though she did an admirable job of hiding it.

Relian followed her gaze. “I don’t know what Father is up to.”

Cal started at hearing the word father. It was strange to think of someone other than her biological parent as father, but she liked it, nevertheless. When she answered, her voice was husky. “Neither do I.”

His pleasure at her for allowing the title father to stand without protest caused a smile to beam its way across his face, illuminating already sculpted features. His arresting face stilled her breath, even though an equal compulsion to look away welled up within her. As his smile faded, disappointment clashed with relief.

A look of contemplation slid over his face. “He doesn’t usually dance and never so soon into a celebration. He always says it’s a hobby for the younger set to enjoy and that his old bones would rather sit in a chair, observing.”

Cal sputtered at his words while gazing at him in disbelief. “That’s an untruth if I ever heard one. He only looks a few human years older than you, if that.”

“That may be true, but he is many years my senior.”

“How much older?” She shook her head in amusement. “Is he older than one of those dinosaur fossils I once saw in a museum?”

Relian looked down his nose at her, and when he spoke, his voice came out a drawl. “He doesn’t predate the dinosaurs. He’s not quite that ancient. I’m afraid that honor rests with my long-departed grandfather.”

At her gasp, the skin around his eyes crinkled in mirth. She leveled a challenging glare at him and slapped him on the arm.

“Nay, Wife, don’t hurt me. I will tell all.”

She flushed at him calling her wife, even as she raised an inquisitive brow. “All?”

“Well, all to this little part of the story.” He winked at her. Winked at her. His formality was sailing right out of the clearing, along with her inhibitions.

“Uh-huh, that’s what I thought. Excuses, excuses.” Her teasing tone held a note of admonishment.

“Yes, sometimes,” he admitted, not seeming the least bit ashamed. Cal didn’t care about this as much as maybe she should. She loved him, regardless, equivocation and all.

“Relian?” Suddenly shy, she gazed down at his chest while one hand fiddled with the embroidery at the neck of his tunic.

“Yes?” The tenderness in his voice stilled the air in her lungs. She gazed at him, and her spirits buoyed.

The cool fire in the blue pupils of his eyes centered her, and she honed in on that. “I love you.”

His unwavering regard didn’t change, making nervousness flood her stomach. Her hands started to tremble as her body picked up the alarming trend. Just before she thought her body would crumble, he spoke. “And I you, you silly woman. You already know that and can feel it.”

Her overwhelmed heart wanted to soar, but its fullness kept it firmly in her chest. An uncomfortably warm heat suffused her face. “I know. Still, I felt as if I had to say it at this moment. And to have you say it back.”

His arms tightened around her. “I’d shout it from the mountains above if it would make you happy.”

She considered his words. “You would, wouldn’t you?” After a pause, she spoke again. “This all...I have to admit it’s turned out for the best.”

He pulled her tighter against him as the dance ended. “Yes, it has.”

His voice was close, and warm air caressed her cheek. Her pulse jumped. Oh, he was breaking her composure, but two could play at that game.

Cal didn’t try to remove herself from his grasp and instead sunk more deeply against him. He groaned, the evidence of his desire resting against her stomach. They stood that way for several seconds since neither of them seemed inclined to do more in this public venue.

The strains of the next song floated toward them as she slid her arms around his neck. She gave him her most wicked smile before pulling his head down to her level. A tremor went through him.

“Come on, old man! I’m ready for you to rock my world.”