“Lander brought a box of tea quite like the one you gifted her but slightly different. We thought it was from you and she had some brewed.” She paused to take a deep breath. “It tasted bad and shortly after drinking, she lost consciousness.”

Poison?, he thought, his heart clenching in terror. He sat where Belinda had been and took Bridget’s hand, raising it to his lips as he tried not to allow fear to grip him too tightly.

He had failed to protect her as he had promised, and now she was hurt because of him. A very unfamiliar feeling grasped him and he lowered his head to rest his forehead on the back of her hand. He did not want to examine the foreign emotion, and this was driven by the thought of losing her, which he could not bear.

The physician arrived and Harry paced the room while she was examined. It took an inordinately long time for him to finish.

“I believe she was poisoned,” the physician said, reaching into his bag to retrieve a bottle.

Harry’s hands fisted at his sides while his aunt began to cry. He drew her into his arms to console her, his eye on the physician. “What is in the bottle?”

“An antidote.”

“Do you know the poison?”

“I believe it might be cyanide. She does not appear to have ingested a large amount,” he explained. “This is a universal antidote and should counter the effects quickly. May I have a spoon?”

A spoon was quickly brought and he made her swallow two spoonfuls of the liquid.

“I am hopeful for her recovery, Your Grace,” the physician said, rising. “I shall return in a few hours to examine her again.”

Harry led Belinda to a chair, then returned to the physician’s side. “You will not bleed her, will you?”

“I only employ modern practices, Your Grace. Bleeding yields nothing.”

“Good.” Harry was ready to challenge him had he suggested the damned thing. “How soon will the antidote take effect?”

“I cannot say but it should not be long. She is fortunate to have ingested very little of the poison.”

Harry nodded but he did not feel better after the physician’s reassurance. Until he saw her eyes open, he would not be at peace. Lander showed the physician out of the room while he moved to sit beside her.

She was so still, so small, and still lovely. His heart twisted painfully, and he closed his eyes.Please wake up, Bridget.Leaning forward, he kissed her cheek.

Harry remained at her side throughout the day, and when the sun dipped below the horizon, she stirred.

“Bridget.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. “Can you hear me?”

When she nodded very slightly, relief flooded his chest, and his eyes stung with unshed tears. Only then did Harry realize the extent of his worry. He had nearly lost her, and his life would have lost any and all meaning if he had. That light she had brought into his life would have diminished.

He never imagined he could ever feel this strongly about anyone. Every time he saw her or thought of her, he ached to open his heart for her, and now that she had nearly been stolen away from him, he was determined to show her what lay hidden in his heart.

His aunt arrived moments later. “Thank goodness, she is awake. Harry, I was so worried!”

Harry released his breath through his teeth. He could not tell his aunt how worried he had been. He kissed her cheek again as Belinda sniffled with relief. Bridget drifted off to slumber once more, but he remained at her side, holding her hand tightly.

An hour later, the physician returned to give her more antidote. “She will recover well, Your Grace. Do not worry,” he said before leaving.

Harry was still worried. He did not think he would ever stop worrying until she was healthy again and the culprit had been brought to justice.

“Lander,” he said when the butler returned from escorting the physician out. He had remained close throughout. “Send word to Lord Drew.”

“He is at Grayfield, Your Grace. He arrived with you and never left.”

“Have him come here, please.” He did not want to leave Bridget even for a moment.

Drew appeared a moment later. “How is she?” he asked gravely, closing the door behind him.

“Better, I believe,” Harry said, then asked the question he had called him for. “What do you know about the Viscount of Lore?”