“Of course, Your Grace,” Lander took it pleasantly.

“My dear, all everyone spoke about after you left the ball was how romantic everything was,” Belinda said, placing another scone on Bridget’s plate. “Especially your dance with Harry.”

“The dance was lovely,” Bridget admitted with a dreamy sigh. “I did not know he danced so well.”

“He loved to dance. You would find him at every assembly and the ladies were all eager for him to ask them to dance.” The memory clouded Belinda’s gaze, and Bridget thought of how his mood had changed the moment they had begun to dance.

Her tea arrived shortly and she offered Belinda a cup, which she declined.

“Nothing completes my morning quite like chocolate but thank you.”

Bridget poured some into a cup and eagerly took a sip, wincing when the flavor was not what she had been expecting.

“What is the matter?” Belinda asked.

“There might be something wrong with this tea. It tastes odd.” She raised the cup to her nose, but again, no aroma. She took another sip and the taste had somehow become worse.

“Do not have more if it is bad,” Belinda discouraged with a hand on her forearm.

“I believe you…” she paused to breathe, “are right.” Her lips parted and she tried to breathe again, her dress suddenly feeling very tight. She glanced down at her hands to find them trembling.

“Bridget?” Belinda’s voice sounded as though it came from a distance and she blinked, their breakfast undulating before her. “Oh, my God, Bridget! You are shaking!”

Bridget could not feel herself shake, but the look in Belinda’s eyes was enough to strike an intense fear within her. Then Belinda began to cry, and Lander’s face appeared before her. She had never seen shock on his face, and that told her that what was happening to her was worse than she thought.

She had lost some of the feeling in her limbs, and she began to slip from her chair as chaos ensued about her. The fear’s grip tightened around her throat and she was unable to take in any air. Someone touched her…or perhaps they held her... she did not know who it was.

Darkness crept around her, stealing her senses and finally devouring her entire being.

Chapter 26

Footsteps sounded outside the cellar and Harry glanced at the door blankly, no longer concentrating on what Drew was saying.

A footman appeared a moment later, looking frantic. “Your Grace,” he said, “the duchess is unwell.”

Harry’s eyes widened, his heart slammed against his rib cage, and, without a second thought, found himself dashing for the door. He heard footfalls behind him but did not turn to look. All he could think of was his wife and how well she had been when he left her.

Harry did not stop until he was in the front hall, and even then, his feet carried him toward the stairs, taking the steps two or three at a time.

“Where is she?” he asked Lander.

“In her chambers, Your Grace.”

“What happened?”

“I do not know. She fainted whilst having breakfast.”

“Has the physician been sent for?”


He charged into the bedchamber and found her on the bed with his aunt beside her. She looked very small and pale.

“What happened?” he asked his aunt as he approached the bed.

She stood. “I-I do not know. She had some tea and this happened.”

His body immediately grew taut. “What tea?” Tears swiftly streaked her face and she clapped a hand over her mouth. Harry took her shoulders. “Aunty,” he said slowly. “Please be calm and tell me what happened.”