Chapter Twenty

Jenny’s spirits were good this evening and Nicholas was happy she had invited their guests, even his grandmother.

“You should invite them more often,” he whispered as they ate.

She smiled, raising a spoonful of creamy soup to her mouth. “Including your grandmother?”

“Well, she seems to be behaving herself this evening. I suppose having heroncein a while would not be so bad.”

“I did not invite her, you know.”

“Oh?” He reached for his glass at the same time she reached for hers and their hands touched. She did not pull away as he had thought she would.

Instead, she raised her eyes to his. “I made you believe that as a form of revenge.”


“Now that the Duke is married,” Persephone announced, “I have decided to turn my attention to finding Ernest a wife.”

Jenny withdrew her hand and continued eating her soup.

“Is this a game to you, grandmother?” Ernest asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin before reaching for his wine.

“Securing the future generation is something I take very seriously and you know that.”

Daphne giggled and Jenny smiled. “Is there something happening that I don’t know about?”

“Observe,” she said.

“We shall have a wedding soon and you will find yourself as excited as Nicholas was at his wedding.”

Ernest addressed Nicholas from across the table. “Does Seaton not have a dower house in Northumberland?”

“I believe thereisa dower house there and it has been devoid of a duchess’s presence for far too long.” It was not true but he wanted to make his grandmother squirm.

“There is no dower house in Northumberland,” Persephone interjected.

“There is. You do not know of Seaton’s recent acquisitions.” Very fleetingly, consternation passed over her face. Nicholas laughed and Ernest joined in.

The evening passed rather pleasantly and he felt more like a human being than he had all week. He had Jenny to thank for it. Persephone even endeavored to know Daphne, although she tried to intimidate her on one or two occasions.

“Are you trying to match Ernest with Daphne?” he asked when everyone had gone.

“Yes,” Jenny replied, picking up one of her geology books from a side table in the drawing room. “I think they are good together.”

“Perhaps but I will warn you that it would likely take a pistol pressed to Ernest’s back before he can agree to march to the altar.”

“I know but we have to try.” She crossed the room to the door.

“Are you going to bed?” he asked, already feeling bereft.

“Yes. I have a busy day tomorrow. Since I can’t find my rocks, I have to collect new ones.”

“I am sorry about your rocks.” He took several steps toward her.

“Well,” she shrugged, “some of them are extremely rare and I will have to travel to find them but at least I will have an adventure.”

“Where will you travel to find them?” He offered her his arm and she took it.