“Australia.” She smiled a little.

“That is a very long way to travel.” They walked out of the drawing room to the grand staircase.

“Any distance is worth it if I will find something precious.”

Her subject meant a great deal to her and he wished he had an occupation that meant that much to him. “Are you seriously considering traveling to Australia?”

She shook her head. “That is too far.”

They reached the door of her bedchamber and she turned around to face him. “Good night, Nicholas.”

“Good night, Jenny.”

She opened the door but did not step in. She remained as she was, gazing up at him with her lips slightly parted, an enticing invitation. “Nicholas,” she whispered, “would like to come in?”

“We will be full of regrets if I come in.”

“I will have no regrets.” She reached up to stroke his cheek and his eyes fluttered shut at her touch.

“You don’t know what you are talking about, Jenny. You would not want to behold me in the morning.”

“What is preventing you from making our marriage real?”

“I made you a promise.” He took a step back and she followed him, taking his face in her hands.

“I don’t care about that promise. Don’t you see?”

Covering her small hands with his large, rough ones, he gently removed them from his face and stepped back. “Please, Jenny. No.”

Wounded, she looked away. “As you wish.” Then she entered her bedchamber and closed the door. Nicholas had half a mind to follow her but he strode down the hall to his own bedchamber.

What sort of man in his right mind would refuse Jenny’s invitation? Nicholas, it would seem. The truth was that he was avoiding bedding her for several reasons. One: He needed to keep Jenny at a distance to prevent attachments. It was something he could never afford. Two: Jenny was a significant part of the childhood he was trying to get away from. Having her did not feel right.

No one would understand his reasons, however, and thus, it was best to keep them to himself.

* * *

After receiving an opera invitation from the dowager the morning prior at breakfast, Jenny and Nicholas were preparing to depart for the opera house.

"You seem buoyant for someone who is about to spend the evening in the old crone’s company," Nicholas said in the foyer as they waited for Jenny’s gloves to be brought. She had forgotten to wear them when getting dressed.

"I haven’t been to a show in a while. I am merely looking forward to the night." She allowed a small laugh. “What is taking Sarah so long?”

"I see you still love theater." His smile looked nostalgic. “Do you remember that performance we acted from the story Miss Greene used to read to us?”

“I was the moat monster, of course, I remember it. And no monster forgets the brave knight that slays her.”

“I thought I broke your curse. I don’t remember slaying you.” His brows knit quizzically.

“Part of the princess was a monster and you slew it.” She chuckled.

“Don't say you are going to make me pay for it now.”

“I might if you are not nice.” She grinned. Her gloves came and they were soon ensconced in the carriage and on their way to the opera house.

“There is also this story…the blue…” He paused to think. "The blue-nosed peasant and the laughing—"

"Duck!" Jenny completed it with a chuckle. "You always did make a good laughing duck, Nicholas."