Chapter Sixteen

“What are you doing here?” Every word dripped with ice and Nicholas clenched his fists.

“Every human requires sustenance, Seaton,” the dowager returned, leisurely sipping her sherry.

“I did not realize you are human. The guests left several hours ago. I expected you to leave with them.” Tonight, he had planned to have a peaceful dinner with his wife and begin work toward repairing their friendship. Now his devil of a grandmother was in the room and in the chair his wife was supposed to sit in, no less.

“Is there fault in my wishing to dine with my grandson?” she asked with feigned innocence.

“I am not your only grandson.” He crossed the room to his chair and an eager footman pulled it out for him before he reached it. “You are in my wife’s chair.”

Her mouth curved into a smug smile. “I am sure she would not mind lending it to an old lady just this once.”

Jenny chose that moment to walk into the dining room in a dress the same color as her wedding dress. It did lovely things to her eyes and hair, and Nicholas momentarily forgot his irritation as he gained his feet. Her eyes widened for a fraction before she inclined her head at his grandmother in greeting.

She was no longer bound by propriety to curtsy to her although, knowing Persephone, she would still wish to be bowed to, even by a person of the same rank. “I was not expecting you to join us this evening.” She lingered by the door and Nicholas went to her.

“Oh, don’t worry, my dear. It will be like I am not here.”

“Of course,” he muttered under his breath. He smiled at Jenny and took her hand, guiding her to the chair on his right. Perhaps the dowager taking Jenny’s seat at the other end of the table was a good thing because now she would be sitting near him.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere began to grow tense as their meal was served. The old woman’s eyes followed their every move and Jenny appeared to be discomfited by it. “Whatever made you think that eating with us tonight is a bright idea?” he asked.

“I want to see for myself how you behave with each other so that I may determine whether or not your romance would require some encouragement. Now, do everyone a favor and reserve the strength you are employing to fight me. You will need it tonight.” She continued to eat as though she had not just uttered that.

Jenny coughed and reached for her water glass but she knocked over her wine. “Good Lord!” He yanked a napkin off the table to help her, dismissing the footman that approached her.

“Please, don’t mind her, Jenny.”

“A heavy responsibility hangs on your shoulders and I wish to advise the two of you tonight,” Persephone continued.

“Will you allow us to eat in peace?” Nicholas demanded.

“I do not hear the duchess complaining,” she returned.

“I find myself already at the risk of suffering from indigestion,” Jenny muttered. “I should hate to compound it with futile attempts at a peaceful meal.” Her gaze was on her plate.

Persephone’s laughter echoed about the dining room. “Finally, someone with some sense! I know the Seaton heir will not be a lackwit, for Jennifer is a clever girl.”

“I will see that she leaves as soon as the meal is over,” he whispered and Jenny nodded.

“You are learning at last,” the dowager said. “Whisper sweet nothings and you are off to an exciting start.”

Both Jenny and Nicholas ignored her. It did not stop her from droning on about titles, legacies, and the important role of a duchess in securing those. After dessert, Jenny slowly set her napkin down and pushed her chair back, never meeting Nicholas’s eyes. “If you will excuse mbbbe, I should like to retire early.”

His grandmother smiled and called after her. “That greatly pleases me. Nicholas shall be joining you soon.” Nicholas was on the verge of throwing her out of the house now. He dismissed the servants from the room and turned to her.

“I would ask you to join me for port but your wife is wa—”

“That is enough!” he cut her off. “This is the last time I will tolerate any disrespect to Jenny.”

The insolent crone cocked her head to one side. “Come now, boy. Your wife is perfectly capable of defending herself. If she had felt slighted by my remark, she would have shown it. I know her, perhaps even more than you.”

Her last words stung him but he pushed them aside. Now was not the time to dwell on such matters. It was time to set some boundaries. “You have accomplished your feat. You will do well to return to your life and mind your business.” His voice was very low.

“I will,” she said quietly, suddenly seeming mellow. “Once I have my heir, you will hardly see or hear from me.”

Nicholas nearly snarled as he said, “Yourheir?”