“Quite so. I am upholding my obligation as the Dowager Duchess of Seaton. Until I am dead, I am still bound to ensure Seaton’s continuity.”

Nicholas took a breath to tamp down his choler, resolving against further arguing with her. The woman was clearly too far gone in her conceit. Striding to the door, he called over his shoulder, “I will have your carriage drawn round.”

“Do not trouble yourself. I have sent it away and had a room prepared for me.” She braced her cane on the floor and stood. “I am spending the night here to ensure your marriage is consummated. See to it, and I will even leave before dawn.” Reading his expression, she added, “Oh, and do not think that I am in the dark regarding what you are planning. You children are so predictable you make things tedious sometimes.”

“With whose permission are you staying the night?” Nicholas ignored her comment about knowing of their plan to not consummate their marriage.

“You seem to forget that this house was mine before it was even your father’s. Now, tell me why I would need anyone’s permission.”

He could not forcibly remove her from the premises but he was still determined to get her to leave. “I will have the Seaton carriage prepared for you.”

“Bed your wife, Seaton, and Iwillleave your house,” she declared.

“You shall have what you want before dawn. I expect you gone by the time we wake. Am I clear?”

“Crystal,” she murmured smugly, readjusting her shawl and cane.

* * *

A midnight blue silk night rail was waiting for her in her bedchamber when she retired and she snatched it from the bed and threw it into the dressing room. She was angry and frustrated. Then she rang the bell of her lady’s maid and ordered a warm bath.

“Will you not be wearing this tonight, Your Grace?” Sarah asked, picking up the flimsy garment from the floor.

“No, give me one of my cotton ones.” She had no need for the seductive silk the Seaton accounts had paid for. Nicholas would not be visiting her tonight or any other night. And truthfully, after the long day she’d had, all she desired was solitude and a good night’s sleep.

Sarah paused for a fraction of a moment before heeding her orders.

Jenny was not sure how long she spent in the bathtub but when she came out, she was feeling considerably better. Tomorrow would be a new day and she had her geology projects to look forward to.

When she crawled into bed, her every limb was ready to rest and her eyelids were heavy. She was sinking beneath the covers when a knock startled her. Before she could wonder who it was or even respond, the door was pushed open and Nicholas walked in.