“This is too much space, Willa,” he repeats, peering down at me. The dark circles under his eyes match the black tree-like scars that line the side of his face and body.

Julian appears from the shadows beside us. He’s bigger than before. By a lot. But he’s still not as big as Drago. “I don’t know what kind of mate issue you’re having,Wolf,and frankly, I don’t much care. The moment you stepped into my compound unwelcome, you became my enemy.”

Inky black veining threads across Julian’s temples and the sides of his neck, which only adds to the alpha vampire vibe. But it isn’t the veins that almost knock me on my ass.


Pure, magical alpha dominance pours out from him in every direction. I clench every muscle against the compulsion to kneel in subservience to a fucking smelly vampire.

Damn omega problems, amiright?

Eden notices and grabs my hand, which helps a surprising amount. She gives it a good squeeze, and I’m standing straight once again.

Drago looks down at Julian as if he can’t feel the force of nature the vampire king is. “This does not concern you, dead thing.”

“Hey! Over here, you overgrown mutt,” Jaxson calls from the shadows on the opposite side of the courtyard. I didn’t even know he was still here. “Get away from my friends and get the fuck out of this compound before you regret every single one of your life choices.”

“This doesn’t concern you either,Alpha.” The way Drago says “alpha” grabs my attention. It’s too sharp, too villainous, and I’m instantly on high fucking alert, honing my sights on Drago’s face. The blade strapped to his side catches the flickering candlelight, and I scent the change in him before anything else.

“Jaxson! Get away from him!” I scream.

To his credit, Jaxson backs away without question, and Eden tucks him behind her as if she’s figured out what Drago really is.

An alpha killer.

The Alpha Killer.

I lower my gaze, not wanting to meet the slate-eyes of the monster I know is now here.

I didn’t notice if his eyes were brown before, but I’d bet my entire pack they are slate now. And slate eyes means twisted and cruel Drago is in the building.

“What makes you think you can fly across the continent without warning,mate?Is my life so expendable? My job so insignificant that you’d leave me in such a state?”

Another swell of suffocating dominance seeps into my pores, forcing my head lower, my knees to buckle even with Eden’s reassuring hand in mine.

“Leave my compound, Wolf, and we won’t have a problem.”

Rafe! Alpha, I need you.Alpha! Please!

Omega! Stand up. I’m the only alpha you submit to, am I clear?

Relief washes over me as Rafe’s command supersedes Julian’s alpha vampire mojo.

“Your power is great, dead thing. I’ll grant you that. But it’s nothing compared to my storehouse of power. Don’t force me to make an example of you in front of all these others.”

Julian lets out a bone-rattling roar that shakes the windows of the surrounding compound before blurring into nothingness. The next thing I see is Julian in midair, with gargantuan daggers for fangs erupting from his mouth and aimed right for Drago’s neck.

And I don’t know what to do.

I can’t allow Julian to hurt Drago. Drago’s mission is too important.

But I also don’t want Drago hurting my new friends.

I push at the wall of muscle that is Rafe’s back, trying to get him to move out of my way, but it’s like pushing the side of a mountain.

“Stop!” I scream at the top of my lungs. “Don’t hurt each other!”

But it’s too late.