Julian’s huge fangs are already deep in Drago’s neck. The vampire king hangs there, suspended by his grip on Drago’s jugular.

Eden steps forward, but I throw an arm out to stop her. She hisses at me but complies.

Everything slows to half speed, so I pay attention, knowing this is important.

Drago bellows in pain and reaches for the back of Julian’s neck. In one swift motion, he tears the vampire king off his neck and throws him clear across the courtyard. Julian lands hard, the crack of bones ringing through the still night.

A spray of blood arcs across the cobblestone and bushes.

Eden screams, running to her mate.

And Drago’s gaze doesn’t leave mine for a single moment.


Vampires, Dominance, and Teeth, Oh My!

I casta quick glance to Julian, cradled in Eden’s arms.

“He’s fine. I didn’t hurt him seriously because you asked me not to Willa. Now, please. Let us leave this place. It’s clear I’m not welcome.”

I watch with horror as Drago’s neck heals faster than I’ve seen wolf magic ever work before.

His eyes switch back to that dark brown shade, but that doesn’t keep Rafe and Jonah from growling their dissent at the alpha killer.

I’m breathing so hard I’m gonna go lightheaded any minute. Sunny presses in close, offering me moral support as Rafe and Jonah tighten the circle. I haven’t seen or heard from Claudia, but I can smell her distinct scent closing in as well.

“I’m not going with you, Drago. I have business here.”

“I’m not leaving without you!” he bellows.

Rafe steps closer to the hulking alpha and roars right back, “She said she’s not going with you!”

Even though I’m literally shaking in my Chucks, I can’t help the zing of appreciative desire at Rafe going toe-to-toe with this guy.

Jonah zips out from behind me and stands next to Rafe. “You’ll have to gothroughus first, buddy.”

Drago’s jaws snap as his mouth and nose partially shift into a monstrous muzzle. “That can be arranged,” he says through a snarl that makes my hands quake and wrenches a petrified whimper from my lips.

“Please, stop.” But it’s only a whisper. It’s all I can manage, and Jonah and Rafe are too amped to hear me.

But Sunny does.

Pretty, prim Sunny lets go of my hand and storms ahead, putting herself between an alpha killer and my two mates, who are intent on protecting me with their lives.

She puts both hands on his stomach and pushes the mountain of scars and teeth backward about ten feet. “Leave. Now.”

Drago laughs, surprise crinkling the skin at his eyes. “You’re stronger than all of them, little dead thing.”

Sunny glares up at him, completely unfazed by him or his teeth. “Yes. That happens when you’re mated to a thousand year old alpha vampire.”

To my horror, Drago's eyes shift back to slate and he bares all his teeth in what might be a smile. “Tsk, tsk. You shouldn’t go sharing suchpersonaldetails. Didn’t they tell you what I am?”Sunny’s dominance hits me like a physical blow. Even Rafe’s prior command is no match for the choking, thick presence. I fall to my knees, and I don’t see what happens next. I can’t with my nose pressed into the cobblestone in forced deference.

“It doesn’t matter what you are,dog.You aren’t welcome here and we have asked you to leave. Please do so before you force me to get ugly.”

“Sunny!” I meant to scream her name and convince her to get away from him, but it’s little more than breath, so powerful is her dominance over me.

“I must admit, I’ve never had an alpha vampire before, let alone one as old as you say your mate is. Where might I find him?”