I stay flat on my belly and let out another yowl, and this time, a howl answers me back.

It’s not Jonah or Rafe.

The scent of ozone filling my nose tells me exactly who it is, and I almost feel sorry for what’s about to happen to these pitiful betas.

I see him from the corner of my eye, flying through the air just like he did at the compound. Except this time, he’s not a monstrous alpha killer but an enormous wolf with a coat the color of midnight.

He’s the biggest wolf I’ve ever seen, towering over me and the betas. He’s even bigger than Rafe, and I’d guess if I were standing in my skin, his colossal head would come to at least my waist, if not my boobs.

But the beta males haven’t noticed yet.

They don’t until Drago’s got his jaws around the honey-colored wolf’s throat. He rips him off the ground and flings him toward the tree line.

I draw a sick sort of satisfaction at the yelp that comes from him as he sails through the air, and the cracking of bone as he lands.

The other two skitter away from me, crouching low and mewling in subservience.

Drago lets out a ferocious growl that stirs the birds from the trees and bids the wind to still. A growl so vicious, the remaining betas piss themselves where they stand. I should be on my back, whining and showing my belly. I should be terrified.

Except the growl isforme, notat me.

I scramble up and trot behind his powerful back legs, so full of muscle, even his thick mountain fur doesn’t cover the corded outlines. Drago trounces the gray and white one, picking him up by the scruff and shaking him back and forth like a lab with a dirty sock before throwing him to the tree line as well. The wolf twists and cries in the air before crashing into an enormous oak tree and sliding to the ground.

The sable one doesn’t stick around to find out his fate. He shoots off toward his fallen comrades and doesn’t dare slow to glance behind him.

Drago turns to me, sniffing and chuffing and licking at my muzzle, asking if I’m OK.

I rub my body along his and lick his muzzle back.

Willa! Willa, goddamn it, answer me!

Rafe’s suddenly in my head, and I’ve never heard him so—so angry. So crazed.

Rafe, I’m OK. Drago got here and chased them off.

Thank the Great Wolf. Why didn’t you answer me?

I—I didn’t hear you.

What the hell good is a mind link if it shuts down when we need it most!

I dunno, but I’m OK. He got here in time.

Drago’s ruff stands up, and he scans the trees for another threat. I rub along his body, reassuring him it’s only Rafe and Jonah.

They break through the trees and sprint towards me. Jonah shifts right before reaching me.

“Jesus, Willa, are you OK?” Jonah asks.

I shift and fall into his arms. “I’m OK. Drago got here in time.”

Jonah squeezes me tighter, his scent sharper, stronger with his fear. But I let myself bathe in his warmth. “Thank you, Drago,” Jonah says.

The enormous wolf chuffs in response.

Which way did they go?Rafe asks, still in his fur and humming with violence.

I glance in the direction, but their wolves aren’t there anymore. “Drago chucked them over there, but they must have come to and headed back into the woods.”