These three wolves have separated me from the trail, effectively making me nose blind in woods I don’t know while I was busy talking to Rafe.

Shit! Think. What should I do?

I drop out of a run and into an easier lope, panting harder to feign fatigue.

The three wolves slow to match my pace before I get any distance between us.

I could fucking kick myself.

I fucking know better than this! Not all packs are like mine. Not all packs are good to omegas!

But I’m not gonna freak out.

Freaking out won’t keep my head clear. Plus, this might be an innocent game or initiation or something. So, I won’t hightail it out of there. I might just be overreacting, and I don’t want to make things awkward with Jaxson’s pack.

The wolves corral me out of the woods and into a clearing off the trail. It would be pretty, peaceful even, if they weren’t scaring me outta my fucking mind.

They close ranks, moving as a team to encircle me.

When he’s close enough, the gray and white one shoves his nose in my butt. I jump away with a yelp, tucking my tail between my legs.

It’s fine for dogs and actual wolves, but definitely not a thing that shifters do.

Rafe, I think I fucked up.

What do you mean?

These wolves broke off from the pack. I’m in an open field with three beta males sniffing things they shouldn’t be.

The roar in my head comforted me like nothing else could.

We’re coming.

I keep my body low, growling and baring my teeth in a very clearget the fuck away from me.

But they don’t give me space. They come closer.

I should have run when I had the chance.

Alpha, please!

We’re coming. We’re crossing the creek now, Willa.

The news makes me whimper because they’re still so far. And that only eggs these wolves on.

My mind races for a solution, but there isn’t one. I can run faster, but they’ve got me trapped. I could shift back, but then what?

The gray one snaps his jaws right in my face before putting my scruff between his teeth. He wasn’t biting to hurt me but to keep me still.

No. No, no, no.

The sable one shoves his nose under my tail again, and I let out a yowl that is sure to be heard for a mile in all directions.

The wolf with honey fur snarls at me, snapping his jaws and slobbering everywhere as the gray one at my neck bites down even harder.

This is not happening. I’m not this stupid. I knowbetterthan this.

The sable wolf gets his nose between my haunches and prods me upward, but I refuse to make this easier for him.