“I enjoy studying other forms of magic,” she goes on. “And since Jaxson had visited the area previously, he was a font of information.”

My gaze fell to Jaxson as the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

Rafe tensed next to me. “You were in our pack lands previously?” he asks. “Without introducing yourself?”

Jaxson is quick to nip the assumption in the bud. “No. I visited the Kootenay Ranges and spoke with those wolves a few months before finding your pack on the neighboring mountain.” He leveled his gaze at Rafe and me. “I would never break protocol.”

Rafe stares at the wolf who brought us here for quite a few moments before deciding whether Jaxson was being truthful. “Then there’s no problem,” he says and shovels a piece of meat into his mouth. He pauses mid-chew, just like I expected. Poor thing is trying not to spit it out.

No one cooks like our betas.

“I have to say, Julian, this is maybe the most tender, flavorful meat I’ve ever had.”

My fork clatters to the iron table. I scoop it up quickly and taste a slice of meat before drawing more eyes.

Oh, wow. It is good.


“I think I can taste the grass this cow ate,” I muse.

“Ha! I said the same thing the first time I had Julian’s cooking, too. Prime rib is one of his specialties,” Eden says, beaming. “With just the two of us, it’s rare we have the occasion to make it, so thank you for allowing him to indulge.”

I happened to know, from my days helping betas before my designation was set, that prime rib takes a full day to make. Meaning the king must have already had this meal mostly planned out before we even agreed to have it with him.

Which irked me. Not only was it presumptuous and potentially wasteful, but supremely arrogant on his part.

Then again, maybe that’s why Sunny and Claudia were here, in case we declined, so they could help eat all the food.

Jeez, what the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I obsessing over details like this?

You OK?Rafe asks silently.

I don’t think so.

Immediately, his gaze shoots to the perimeter of the courtyard. Mine goes to Rory at the doorway, looking bored but attentive and not showing a single sign that anything is amiss.

It’s an internal courtyard, Rafe. We’re safe and sound, surrounded by Julian’s compound on all sides.

Well, what’s wrong then?

Both of us continue eating as if we aren’t having a mental conversation. No one seems to notice.

Except for Claudia. I keep feeling her gaze on my profile.

I dunno, Rafe. I’m just uncomfortable here and keep overthinking things.

He slides a warm, broad hand over my knee and gives it a tight squeeze.It’s easy to be uncomfortable in a place like this.

“What do you guys think?” Jaxson says, gaze lasers in on the three of us. I’m about to apologize and ask him to repeat the question when Jonah sweeps in and saves the day.

“I think it’s a great idea. What about you two? Do you want to join Jaxson’s pack for a group hunt this evening?”

“Sounds good to me,” I try not to say too eagerly. Fresh air and a good run would do me a world of good. Some wolf time is just what I need to set me straight.

“Rafe?” Jaxson prodes.

“Sure. But be prepared to get your ass handed to you.”