“Um, are we hunting or racing?” I ask, because if anyone is kicking ass in a race, it’s gonna be me.

Jaxson’s amber gaze glows with excitement. “Both. But a little friendly competition never hurt nobody.”

“Can I come?” Eden asks, surprising the hell out of me.

Jaxson grins at her over his wine glass. “You know the pack loves having you run with us. You’re always welcome, Eeds.”

Hm. Interesting. I wouldn’t have thought Ms. Fancy Pants would ever get herself or her shoes dirty on a run with wolves.

Rafe, Julian, and Jonah break off into a conversation about hunting and whether vampires need to eat food, and I busy myself with my plate, happy to not be the center of attention for the moment.

Unfortunately, the moment doesn’t last long.

“So, tell me, how does the mate of the Pack Leader keep herself busy?” Eden asks me, sapphire blue eyes sparkling with the question, as if she truly wants to know and isn’t simply making small talk.

“Oh, well, honestly, I’m still trying to figure that out. I haven’t been in the position long since I was previously the pack healer and that’s a huge no-no.”

Claudia coughs on her wine. “Did you say you were the former pack healer?”

I nod.

“But you’re a wolf. I thought that—”

I give Claudia the Spark’s Notes version of my life story—getting chosen despite all odds, forced separation from my mate, Mari taking on the mantle—without all the agonizing details. Claudia leans in, rapt attention on me and devouring every tidbit of info I offer.

“I did not know such things were possible.”

“Yeah. Neither did I. Until it happened to me.”

“It must have been awful keeping away from the one you were meant to be with.” Her large, dark gaze brims with heartfelt sympathy.

I allow myself a small sigh. “It truly was awful.”

“Well, that’s done now. And it seems you two have some mate gifts, doesn’t it? Tell me, do you speak mind-to-mind with your entire pack, like Jaxson, or is it just with your alpha?”

I try not to let my eyes bug out of my head. “Um, how do you—”

“Oh, honey, I’m the most powerful witch in three states.” She gives me a toothy grin, but I pull away. Literally, I stop leaning across the table. “Oh, I’m sorry. My aim isn’t to make you uncomfortable, dear. Magic is my obsession, my passion. I’ve vowed to learn all I can about not just my particular form of magic but about any others that might exist. It’s how I could help my friend, Lily. That’s my ultimate goal. To know so much about so many aspects of magical practices that I can help anyone with anything.”

Sunny who to this point, I didn’t realize was paying attention, speaks up. “She comes on strong, but her intentions are good. Promise.”

I nod and try to humor the witch despite being a naturally private person. These people are strangers and I don’t really want to go divulging all my deepest, darkest secrets.

But an omega mate was supposed to be congenial and…

I could do that.

“No, we don’t have pack speak anymore. At one point, generations ago, we did, but somewhere along the line we lost that ability. Rafe and I didn’t even know we’d get it.”

“I see. Does that mean others in your pack don’t have mind-speak between mates?” Claudia follows up.

“I doubt it. Rafe thinks the only reason we have it at all is because we went through the formal, ancient claiming ritual instead of relying on just the mate bond.”

Claudia’s eyes go as big as the dinner plates in front of us. “Really? Can you tell me about the claiming process?”

Instantly, my cheeks go up in flames. “Um… Well, I…” I can’t get my words out.

This time, Eden steps in. “If the vamp bonding process is any indication, it’s likely a very private and personal experience, Claud. One our guest might not want to share so publicly.” Eden winks at me and tries to guide Claudia into a new topic. But the witch won’t budge.