Page 97 of Monsters' Touch

Just like in the Matrix.

Because I get to make the rules. And because I recently discovered that I’m a not just a girl who doesn’t like lilies but one who definitely does like sci-fi. And the Matrix is awesome.

When the mirror takes all of me, I’m in complete darkness.

There’s nothing. No sound, no sensation. No Barbas or Malphas in my head.

I make the rules. I make the rules. I make the rules.

I chant it over and over, willing myself to appear in the demon version of my building. Willing my demon’s consciousnesses to be safe in my mind even though I can’t hear or sense them.

I focus only on where I’m going, not the how, not any of the details. Just…




No. That’s not it. It’s wrong.

There is the opposite of what I want. It’sthere.

Somewhere else.

I want to be here, just a different here. The demon here.

There is no spoon. There is no spoon. There is no spoon.

I have to say it. Out loud.

So it sticks real good.

But what exactly to say? It has to be right the first time.

I want to be… here?

No. That’s not it.

I don’twantto be here. Iamhere.

I’m here.

I’m here!

“I’m here!”

“Pox and condemnation! Lily?”

I open my eyes, and before me stands a towering tan-skinned demon with long white hair and golden horns.


“Lily? How are you… how is this… What’s going on?”

His chest is just as broad as I imagined, waist just as narrow, and…

Oh gods, he’s not wearing pants.