Page 98 of Monsters' Touch

I freeze and say the first two things in my head. “Why aren’t you wearing pants?” And “That’s never gonna fit.”

I guess I portaled into his bedroom, which makes sense since I was in a bedroom when I crossed. But I didn’t expect him to be naked.

“Don’t worry. It fits,” a dead-ass sexy voice says behind me.

My breath catches in my throat as I turn to see…

“Rhygel.” His name is like a prayer on my lips because he absolutely takes my breath away. All muscled indigo skin and huge black horns. I lose count of the number of abs he has, and…

“Fuck, why are you both naked!”

“We just finished bathing,” Rhygel says with an impish smirk, and I about melt at all the things that smirk implies.

“Which we needed because we just got done railing each other senseless.” Typhon adds, and I think it’s hesitance I see on his face, but I’m new at matching tone and expressions, so it could be something else.

“Seriously?” I ask as Rhygel comes to stand next to Typhon in the room made tiny by two enormous and naked demons.

They nod.

“Is… is that OK?” Rhygel asks, brushing a strand of my hair from my face.

I grab his hand and yank the seven foot tall demon down to my level so I can stare him in the eye without breaking my neck. “Of fucking course it’s OK. As long as I get a turn too.”

Rhygel grins at me. “I thought you’d never ask.”

“Hey, real thoughtful of you two to check on us.”

I swing around and see a demon I don’t recognize except he’s using Malphas’s voice.

But he’s more like a man with wings. I don’t see any horns or tusks, nothing of what I’m used to. The only giveaway, aside from the voice, is the wing with splints and bandages. “Mal?”

“At your service, Lils.”

“Where’s your real face?” I ask, reaching up to stroke the one he’s wearing.

His gaze falters, falling to the ground for the briefest moment. “I thought we could work up to that.”

“OK. Whatever you like,” I said. “Where’s Barbas?”

“Out here, Lils. We can’t all fit in the smallest bedchamber.”

“Oh, well, who has the biggest?” I ask.

“I do,” Rhygel says. “But someone broke my bed, so it won’t be of much use to us.”

I duck between forearms the size of tree trunks to make my way to the hallway and into Barbas’s arms.

“Hi,” I say, breathless and happy.

“Hello, madam.”

Barbas is small for a demon, yes. But he’s still fucking huge. At least six and a half feet of lean muscle. But his face… Oh, his face is absolutely angelic.

“I never could picture your face, but I just knew it would be worth the wait,” I say, gazing up at him.

A low rumbling purr rattles Barbas’s chest. “I cannot wait to make you mine,” he whispers, and all the blood in my body rushes downstairs.

“Hm, I seem to remember someone saying this dress wouldn’t last seconds on me, and yet here I am, minutes in your plane and still fully clothed.”