Page 50 of Monsters' Touch

Oh, I know what it’s from.

Right, so I just got nervous and fucked up our first conversation. I hope you’ll forgive me.

It’s my turn to chuckle.Consider it done.

Well, I should be off then.

OK, why did this feel like a first date? Like we were standing at my door, shuffling back and forth with first kiss nerves?

Um, yeah. OK. How long do you think it’ll take for Rhygel to get here?

That depends on how long my briefing takes and if there were any new incidents while I was here. Why do you ask?

I battle with telling him that I’ve developed a pretty severe codependency on demonic presences in my head and that being without them makes me want to die.

Oh, you know. I just don’t want to get caught in the shower or anything, that’s all.

Ah. I’ll have Rhygel announce himself from the outskirts of your consciousness before entering. Will that do?

Yes. Thank you.Just as he begins to separate from me, pulling himself farther and farther away, I call out.Hey, Mal?

The receding sensation stops.Yeah?

I had a lot of fun with you today.

Distant this time but still unmistakable, Malphas smiles, filling me with pure joy.Thank you, Lily. I had fun as well.

And he’s gone.

But I don’t let myself slip down the rabbit hole of suck like I did before. I stay busy, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming the fallen Cheetos from the sofa and carpet, making my bed. I even jump in the shower.

After I’ve toweled off, and while I re-bandage my arm, a voice calls my name.

Lily, this is Rhygel, may I enter your mind?

My head goes blank at the sheer sex-appeal of that voice. I grip the sink to keep from wobbling over.

Sure,I say, knowing full well he’ll know exactly how I feel about his voice the moment he steps fully in my mind.

Lily, there’s something we need to discuss.

It’s like electrical current running down my spine, spreading throughout my whole body. I fight the urge to shiver with pleasure, even as gooseflesh rises on my arms.

When I don’t respond, he brushes the smallest part of my consciousness to the side, seeing through my eyes.

I don’t fully realize what my gaze is fixed on. Not until a veritable storm of rage fills me, cell to cell.

Who did that to you?


Seven long,deep cuts mar my host’s skin. The wounds are clean and Lily is in the process of covering them, but the even spacing and clean borders tell me those wounds were intentional. Several grouping of similar markings dot her forearm, all varying degrees of healing or faded

These wounds are intentional. Who is hurting you, Lily, and why?

I can’t tamp down the blinding rage rising in me at someone using her flesh for whatever ritualistic purpose those marks serve. I also can’t help Lily’s reaction to my anger.

She’s utterly terrified, cowering in the mirror before us.