Page 51 of Monsters' Touch

I apologize, Lily. I do not mean to scare you. I only mean to dole out justice to whomever has harmed you.

She quickly covers the wounds with a bandage.I don’t want to talk about this,she says, her own anger sparking.

Lily, you are my host. My sacred vessel on this plane. If someone is hurting you, it is my highest duty to protect you and repay them in kind.

I said I don’t want to talk about this Rhygel.

And I say you must.

Screw you! Just because you’re in my head doesn’t mean you get access to every part of my life. Those marks are none of your goddamn business.

Why is she being so unreasonable? I only wish to keep her from harm.


Did you consent to having those marks put on you? Are they not harmful?

She ignores me.


Stop yelling at me!she says directly to her reflection.

To me.

My gods, she is magnificent. Her reddish-brown gaze flares with fierce anger and the auburn strands around her face seem to move with an invisible wind.

You’re not entitled to know every detail about me, Rhygel.

We can’t keep secrets, Lily. We are a team, all of us with you. If you’re in danger—

I’m not in any danger!

Then what’s the harm in telling me what happened to your arm?

She folds her arms over her chest, hiding the bandage as a sneer twists her features.You tell me what took Barbas so long to return and I’ll consider sharing.

I don’t respond well to ultimatums, Lily.

Well, seeing as I’m the only host you have, I guess you’d better start.

As furious as her obstinate willfulness makes me, I can’t help but also admire it.

You want to know what kept him?

I do.

The rest of the horde hadn’t come to a decision yet. But I could not allow that to be the reason we lost her as a host.We were attacked by rival demons. We needed time to heal, regroup, and formulate a new plan.

All the anger heating her from within is suddenly dashed away by fear.

Oh, god. I had no idea. Is everyone OK?

Typhon and I are fine. Barbas is mending, but I fear Malphas will never fly again.

Lily stumbles against the sink as her compassion for my brother threatens to crush her to death. After a moment, she composes herself.How awful for him. He didn’t let on that he was injured.

While inhabiting your mind, we have no sensation from our physical form. It’s likely possessing you was the first pain-free moment Malphas has had since the attack.