How had I ended up here?
I chucked the covers off of me and scrambled to the vibrating noise. “Hello?” I answered without looking to see who it was.
“Eeds, are you OK? You sound wasted.”
“I am, Jaxson. Wasted on kingly dick. Now what can I do for you?”
It was at least a minute before Jaxson could stop laughing and cheering me on to tell me what he was calling about. “So, Nikita is getting antsy. Is there an update I can give her so she’ll quit bugging me?”
“Yes. Tell her the queens of two vampire covens are working on it and not to bother you about it again.”
“I mean, that’s not really an update, Eden.”
“I know. I haven’t figured out the details yet, but trust me. I’ve got something in the works.”
“Can you give me something, anything to pass along to her?”
“Nope. I can’t tip my hand too soon, Jax.”
“OK. I’ll handle her. Any word on what’s happening with the next incursion?”
“Not yet, Jax, but I promise I’ll let you know when I do.”
“All right.”
“Hey, when are you free for brunch?”
Jaxson sighed. “Not for a while. It’s crazy at the bar, and the pack is restless. I need to stay on packlands as much as possible.”
“OK, well, I’d love to do another run with you guys.”
“Yes, absolutely. I didn’t expect to like it so much, but running with wolves is like dopamine on tap.”
“Well, we run at dawn every day if you’d like to join.”
Dawn. The fuck kind of person ran before the sun was up? “Yeah, I’ll think about it.”
Jaxson laughed. “We also run at dusk, oh vampire bestie of mine.”
“That sounds more like something I can accommodate.”
“Oh shit, Eeds, I gotta go.”
“OK, talk soon,” I said and ended the call.
I crawled back into Julian’s bed, unable to recall whether we’d shared a bed together for more than just sexy times. “Is this the first time we’ve slept in the same bed together?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe?” He scooped me closer with a swipe of his arm, and before long, I drifted off.
I woke hours later alone, which sucked, but at least I didn’t wake up startled like at the tower.
I got myself together and headed downstairs for some food when that new assistant stopped me in the great room. “Good morning, Ms. Vaughn.”
“Oh, good morning. Eden is fine. What was your name?” I asked the twenty-something vampire with straight black hair and several layers of chains dangling from his waistcoat. Pocket watches, perhaps?
“I’m Daniel, ma’am. This just arrived for you by messenger.” He handed me a wax sealed envelope. A quick glance at the cypress tree surrounded by a ring of blood told me exactly who it was from.