Page 98 of B Negative

“Sunny,” I whispered to myself. “Thank you, Daniel,” I said and headed toward the kitchen. “Oh, actually.” I paused, turning around to find Julian’s new assistant right behind me.

“Something else I can help you with, ma’am?”

“Um, yes. Do you know where Julian is?”

“Ah, yes. The king had a meeting with Ms. St. James.”

“Do you know when he’ll return?”

The assistant checked his tablet. “Hm, presently, I should think.”

“Great, thank you. And welcome to the team,” I said with a smile.

Despite his awkwardness and the lack of instant rapport, I still wanted him to feel like he was part of our family at the compound.

He smiled and gave me a small bow. “Thank you, Ms. Vaughn.”

“Eden,” I corrected gently, and headed off to the kitchen.

As my eggs cooked, I carefully opened the envelope, making sure to preserve the pretty wax seal. But the writing I found within wasn’t the compact loops and swirls of Sunny’s hand, but harsh slashes that pressed deep into the parchment.

Young one,

I hope this letter finds you well. Please know that if Julian has already read this letter, the paper is spelled to read something entirely different. Don’t ask me how it works, for I do not know.

I’d like to formally request a meeting with you to discuss further incursion engagements. Please come alone, as your mate’s view of me is clouded by our past, for which he has every right.

A car will be waiting for you on the bridge at noon.



I read the letter once more. Then glanced at the clock.

“Shit,” I grumbled to myself.

Rock, meet hard place.

I had to decide what to do, and I only had a few minutes to do so.

If I went anywhere near Cypress City without telling Julian, he’d likely flip his shit. But if I didn’t go, I might miss out on an opportunity to gain the upper hand in the next incursion.

I scooped my now slightly crispy eggs out of the pan and sat at the island.

I could go and not tell him.

I stabbed the yolks, watching as they jiggled and yolks flooded the plate.

That thought didn’t sit well with me. Going to his enemy’s territory without telling him?

I didn’t want to piss Julian off, but Titus wouldn’t hurt me—Sunny wouldn’t let him.

Julian had to know that, right?

I stared at the eggs, looking for the right answer, the right move.

“He probably just wants to go over the details of the next incursion. Or maybe he saw fit to start the negotiations with me instead of Julian.”

Or he could have discovered I wasn’t a born vamp and wants to get rid of me but can only do so if I’m in his territory.

I shook my head. “Sunny wouldn’t let him hurt me,” I repeated under my breath and headed out, leaving my poor eggs uneaten.