“Well, let’s get down to business, shall we?” Julian said and steered us toward the table in the center of the courtyard.
Once we were seated, Claudia pulled a folder from her oversized bag. “Our internal review has found no evidence of tampering or sabotage. The spells were performed to the letter, charms and focusing objects vetted and tested by my head spell caster.”
I took the folder, studying the contents. Julian tilted the folder toward him to see as well.
“This says you suspect the slate used in the staircase was of lesser quality. That it couldn’t withstand the strain your spellwork put on it.”
“That is our finding, yes.”
One little piece of slate cost Sunny her mortal life.
Julian relaxed next to me. “I’m glad that you’ve found a cause. More so that it wasn’t anyone’s fault.”
“As am I,” Claudia said. “I would have hated for this incident to negatively affect our working relationship.”
“Agreed,” said Julian. “Did you bring the other thing I mentioned?”
The witch nodded, reaching once more into her oversized bag. From it she pulled a small velvet pouch. “It wasn’t easy making such a thing.” She pulled another sheet of paper from her bag and slid it over to Julian. “This is an updated invoice detailing the costs, both monetary and magical.
Julian didn’t even glance at the paper. He only nodded and said, “Of course, I’ll have that taken care of immediately.”
Claudia pushed the velvet pouch across the table, not toward Julian, but directly in front of me.
“Is this for me?” I pulled the top open to find a sparkling bit of metal catching the sunlight.
“It is,” Julian said with a smile.
I dumped the bauble into my palm and gasped as a cold buzzing sensation pulsed through me, starting from the very palm that held the necklace. “What is it?” I stared at the thin silver chain and small sapphire pendant.
“Basically, it’s a cloaking spell on steroids, jammed into a witch-made sapphire.”
Julian nodded. “It’ll keep anything—scent, heartbeat, even a lie—from getting through your shield and to...” Julian didn’t bother finishing the rest of his sentence.
I knew exactly who it was meant to cloak me from and how useful that would become when I returned to his tower. I held the piece up to the sun. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yes, it turned out lovelier than I imagined, especially since I didn’t think we could put so much magic into such a small item,” Claudia remarked.
“It needed to be small enough for Eden to wear every day and not draw attention.”
“Oh, I understand the reasoning. It’s just never been done before, hence the price tag.”
I locked eyes with Julian. “You had this made for me?”
“I did.”
“Thank you.” My voice came out hoarse, scratchy even. “This means so much, Julian.”
Instead of insisting he could teach me about our ways to keep me out of Titus’s tower, he’d found a compromise.
I almost couldn’t believe it.
I offered him the necklace. “Put it on me?”
Julian took it, and I lifted my hair, turning so he could clasp it around my neck.
“How does it work?” I asked Claudia.
“Magically? I don’t have time to get into the esoterica of witchcraft, Eden.”