Page 82 of B Negative

But that wasn’t the whole story either.

“I spent the first eighteen months of my vampire existence doing everything wrong. Getting kicked out of my nest and hiding from the people who could actually get me through it. I hid in the human world. And I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to know everything I can about my place in this world.”

Julian smiled at me. “As any good queen should.” Julian rose, straightening his clothes. “You know I’m here for you. Any time you need information or want my take on events, I’ll make time for you.”

“Thank you. I appreciate the offer and the effort. You haven’t always been so loose lipped about things.”

A shadow crossed Julian’s features, darkening the after sex glow. “I know, Eden.”

I hopped up, pressing myself into his chest and squeezing him tight. “I’ve forgiven you.”

Julian relaxed in my arms and squeezed me back.

“Would you like to accompany me to my meeting with Claudia?”

I pulled away, shocked at the offer, and stared at his face to make certain he was genuine and I hadn’t just hallucinated. “Are you serious?”


“Then, yes. Absolutely.” My mind ramped up all my internal thoughts to lighting speed. I wish I had time to take a shower and wear something that said queen and not bartender who just ran ten miles in the woods with wolves.

He kissed the top of my head and caught me up on the way to the courtyard.

“Claudia,” Julian said magnanimously as we entered the outdoor space. He stretched his arms wide as he approached the short, purple-haired woman. “It’s nice to see you again.” He clasped her hand in both of his and gave her a dashing, Hollywood smile.

Fuck, did he know how to turn on the charm or what.

“Oh, cut the shit, Julian. You know your magnetism doesn’t work on me.”

Ooooh! I was going to like her!

Julian grinned at the witch. As head of her coven, she carried herself with all the self-importance that came with the role. She wore all black, head to toe, from the gloves to her pantsuit and Prada heels.

She looked fucking fantastic.

“I used zero magnetism, Claudia. This is my natural charm.”

She scrunched up her nose. “Well, turn it off. You’re getting it on me.”

I couldn’t help it.

A tiny giggle made its way out of my mouth.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Claudia. I’m Eden.” I held out my hand and Claudia took it in hers.

“The pleasure is mine. This place has needed a woman’s touch for far too long.”

“Really? I quite like the designer’s choices.”

Claudia smiled at me, red lips pulling back to reveal neat double rows of teeth.

Huh. That was new.

I didn’t react.

“I meant the kingdom in general, not the furniture.”

Of course she did.