I dialed nine,and Sherrie, whoever that was, immediately picked up. “Yes, Ms. Vaughn.”
It took me a second to get my thoughts together. How had she known it was me calling? “Um, hi. I was hoping I could get some blood sent to the mate suit?”
“Certainly. What type?”
“B Positive.”
“Of course. Anything else I can help you with, Ms. Vaughn?”
I chewed on the inside of my cheek, debating how to word my query. “What amenities does Titus Tower offer?”
It wasn’t a hotel, but according to rumors, the tower served as home to all the vampires in Cypress City. And I’d bet a week’s worth of tips that Titus had made sure his building had all kinds of fancy goodies.
As I’d hoped, Sherrie started in on her rote routine. “We offer only the best for all our guests and residents. Our rooftop pool is open twenty-four hours a day. The guest gym is located on the 152nd floor, as is the media center and the tower’s library.”
Library. That’s exactly what I needed.
“Thank you, Sherrie. And what about Sunny’s safety? What assurances can you offer if I were to leave her side?”
“As the king’s mate, Ms. River’s security is of the utmost importance. There are two guards stationed outside her suite as we speak.”
“That’s excellent to hear.”
“Your safety is also important to us, Ms. Vaughn, and, as King Julian’s mate, we’ll provide your own security detail to accompany you wherever you need to go.” I didn’t miss Sherrie’s too-chipper tone as she delivered that bit of information.
“I appreciate that, Sherrie,” I said, matching her energy. Except I meant it. They could follow me all they wanted. I had no plans to do anything that might get me in trouble.
Well, technically.
I mean, I wasn’t going after his scepters.
I only wanted to find out as much about vampires as I could so I could undermine the mate bond and get Sunny out of this.
“Thank you for your time, Sherrie.”
“Certainly, Ms. Vaughn. Should you need anything else, dial nine on any phone to reach me.”
“Noted,” I said, and disconnected the call. I cast a last glance at Sunny, perfectly still as her body transitioned from living to living dead.
“I’m getting you out of this, Sun. Promise,” I said and closed the door to the bedroom to head back through the living space and greet my security detail.
Except, when I opened the door, it wasn’t a muscle-bound, suited goon waiting for me.
A shirtless man with a sly smile and shoulder-length brown hair stood there, eyes twinkling at me. “Hello,” he said simply, and moved his hair to one side.
Exposing his neck.
His very human neck.
I dropped fang without even realizing it, and my hand slapped over my mouth in embarrassment. “Oh, god, I’m so sorry!”
The man’s smile broadened. “I’m not offended, Ms. Vaughn. In fact, it’s quite an honor to elicit such a genuine and primal response from a vampire.”
The hand covering my fangs fell to my side. Not offended?