Page 51 of B Negative


I should have spokento Julian before making any sweeping decisions affecting both kingdoms. That seemed so obvious now.

But I wouldn’t beat myself up over it. I hadn’t known and now I did. And next time, I’ll do better.

Hopefully, the same could be said for Julian.

Because I still didn’t have an apology.


After a very long and decadent shower, I settled down at the dinette table, still in the bedroom, for some late night research before bed.

Honestly, I didn’t know what I was looking for. I just wanted to know more than I did. So, I read everything I could about everything there was.

I wasn’t a particularly fast reader, not a speed-reader by any means. But I absorbed information quickly, and I usually understood new concepts the first time they were explained.

So far, though, I’d only read a very dull and boring take on the history of vampires as dictated by Titus’s now de-spelled vampire bible.

The story followed the same road most culture’s myths did—creation myths, chosen peoples, their struggles, etc. Where it differed from the Christian Bible the most was there were no commandments. No rules to live by.

Not once did it say honor your maker and don’t kill your humans.

Eventually my lids grew heavy and the words wouldn’t stay in my brain anymore, so I retired to the cloud chair, mentally wishing Sunny and B good luck on their dates as I drifted off.

The next morning, I woke with a start, which seemed to be a developing habit when waking in Titus Tower.

Sunny slept peacefully tucked beneath her covers, and B’s quiet snores from the living room let me know he was safe and sound here too.

I crept out of the chair, peeking in on B to see if he was alone. A lock of raven-black hair hanging over his forearm told me otherwise, and I snuck back in the room.

I let everyone sleep another hour before hunger pangs forced my hand. I showered and dressed in the clothes B had smuggled into his duffle for me.

I woke Sunny first. “Hey, sleepyhead. How was the date?”

She grumbled something about pink tangerines and rolled over

Nearly the same scene played out when I tried to wake B and Sherrie. Both grumbled at me. B even swatted me away.

Whatever. If the lovebirds didn’t want breakfast, so be it.

I texted Devon and asked if he was available to come over.

I’ll be there in five.

Just as promised, he knocked on the door five minutes later. He stood in the doorway, shirtless, guileless, and with that sly smile. “I didn’t bring Ishta this time. You didn’t ask, so I assumed…”

“You assumed correctly,” I said, and ushered him inside.

He paused, taking in the sleeping couple on the sofa before his eyes found the spot on the carpet that should have been stained red.

“Sunny works quickly,” I said with a wave as we sat ourselves in the small loveseat across from B and Sherrie.

“Are they all right?” Devon asked.

“I think so. They’re just newly in love, I guess.”

“Newly mated, you mean.”