Page 50 of B Negative

“That’s right.”

B glanced at Sherrie, gaze pulled to her swollen red lips. “Seems good to me,” he said and scrawled his name across the paper.

“Thank you,” I said smartly, took the paper, and headed back to the bedroom.

I snapped a picture of it and got to work making a group chat. I struggled for a minute with what to call it, but after adding Sunny, Titus, and Julian to it, I came up with the perfect name.

Old Kings and Young Queens.

First message was the snapshot of the hastily made agreement.

Rory and Sherrie have agreed to keep their work and relationship two separate entities. Is that amenable to everyone?

I didn’t expect answers right away, but I got them.

Julian: It is fine so long as they keep their word.

Sunny: I agree

Titus: So it’s settled. The two shall be allowed to see where their relationship goes without interference until or unless interference is needed.

I rested my phone on my chest and made myself comfy in the cloud chair. I did pretty well for my first official act as queen, if I do say so myself.

The buzzing on my chest put a pit in my stomach. I wasn’t going to like this message, I just knew it.

It was Julian. Texting only me.

That was a smart move. In the future, consult me before you pull me into a group chat with my enemy and force me to agree to something I had no knowledge of.

How dare he!

My fingers flew over the phone as I typed out a response.

Then deleted it and started over because the first wasn’t strong enough. I added in a few choice four-letter words.

My finger hovered over the send button.

But I didn’t send it.

I deleted the whole thing and typed just seven words.

You’re right. I’ll do better next time.

Julian read the message but didn’t respond.

Well, that was fine. He was right. Better he not rub it in.