“Eden,how about some breakfast in bed? I can whip up some French toast. Or an omelette.”
The compound seemed different. Quiet. And as I walked through the great room, the hair on my arms pricked up and stood on end. I scented the air, dropping my files to the ground. “Eden. Are you here?”
I knew the answer.
She wasn’t.
I don’t know how I knew Eden wasn’t here, but I trusted the knowledge. Following the trail of her scent into the kitchen, the sight before me stopped my heart.
Cold eggs, untouched.
A piece of parchment resting beside the untouched food. And Titus’s seal on the envelope next to it.
I grabbed the paper, cursing. “If he hurt you,” I mumbled, scanning the despot’s letter.
I took a breath. Then another.
My muscles vibrated with rage, with the need to find Eden and make sure she was safe. And once I did, I’d rip the head off that arrogant, conniving king.
I blurred from the kitchen back to the great room, pondered whether to arm myself, and decided I’d much rather kill Titus with my bare hands.
Daniel approached from one of the back rooms. “Sir, you’ve returned. I have your updated calendar for the week.”
My hands shook at my sides. “Did you receive a hand-written, sealed letter today?”
Daniel’s eyes went wide as the rest of his muscles locked down. Good. Fear was very good.
“Did you!” I roared.
“Yes. It was hand delivered, and I gave to Ms. Vaughn less than an hour ago.”
I turned and headed for the front door. “You’re fired, Daniel. Leave your tablet and go back to wherever you came from.”
The world was coated in a haze of red as I blurred from the compound to the bridge. I had no idea how to break through that ward at the center, but I was sure as hell going to figure it out.
Traffic sped by me as I slowed to a reasonable pace on my approach, stopping within feet of the barrier. Magic, or energy or whatever, pulsed around the border.
If I had known this was going to happen, I’d have asked Claudia to make me a necklace as well.
I didn’t have time to think about that now. I hardly had time to think of a plan. I had to get through.
I lowered my shoulder and ran headlong at the ward. My shoulder connected and exploded with pain. I grunted as the ward absorbed my momentum and pushed it back at me, throwing me backward. I skidded between cars, and as soon as I could get my feet under me, I ran at it again.
Motorists noticed my second run, slowing to a stop and watching me as I hurtled into nothing and got bitch-smacked back.
On my second time skidding between cars, I noticed how many people had their phones aimed at me.
This was going to take a much bigger spell to cover up than the one I’d paid the witches for after the incursion.
A new wave of frenzied protectiveness filled me, and when I ran at the ward again, I imagined it being Titus’s face.
I saw myself pulling the vampire’s head off his shoulders. Something I should have done long ago. I saw his headless body falling to the ground.