Page 19 of Running For It

“God, no.” Ramsey shook his head.

Of course they didn’t. “Because it would look bad if it got out.”

Hunter raised an eyebrow. “Because that’s not the lifestyle either of us wants. I don’t care if other people open their relationships, but I’m selfish with my guy.”

My guy. So much possession in the simple phrase. And my jealousy was skyrocketing. Then again, they hid what they had, and I’d always made it clear I wasn’t interested in being someone different in the bedroom than I was out of it. They hid their relationship so well, I felt bad for Hunter. I’d hated having to fake-smile when I was with Ramsey, and he had to fake-everything.

I shut off all mywhat happens nextfantasies about Ramsey. “Thank you for the ice cream. It was fun hanging out again. See you tomorrow?”

“You’re taking this wrong.” Hunter settled a hand on my bare knee, startling me.

“What happened after the party wasn’t a mistake.” Ramsey tangled his fingers with mine. “It’s not what we planned, but there are no regrets. You’re not just a warm body.”

Hunter squeezed my knee. “You’re Violet.”

“I don’t know what that means.” But I wanted to, so desperately, just based on the pair of simple touches.


Ramsey dropped a large bill on the table and tugged both Hunter and me to our feet. “You wanted to go home. Let’s get out of here.”

“Iwantto finish this conversation.” I reluctantly pulled my hand away and crossed my arms, mostly to keep temptation at bay.

Ramsey held my gaze, never letting go of Hunter. “So do I.”

I tapped my toes inside my shoes, as my brain followed a series of possible outcomes based on hope, experience, and cynicism. I couldn’t argue that this was a private conversation, but there was no one here to eavesdrop, unless the staff got bored with their gossip about their co-workers. Having this conversation in the car meant I couldn’t look them in the eye while we talked, and I needed that. Going to someone’s house meant the temptation of clothes coming off, given the topic, or disappointment I shouldn’t feel if the clothes stayed on.

“Talk to me now,” I said.

Ramsey sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. “This is not the way I wanted things to go.”

“Sorry you can’t control every single little bit of life.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You talking to me or yourself?”

I opened my mouth to retort, and he held up a finger. “I’m not trying to pick a fight,” Ramsey said. “Sit back down, at least?”

“Fine.” It was a reasonable request, given I was refusing to leave without answers. We took our spots around the table again.

Ramsey leaned in, but there was no contact. “You know I miss you. I’ve never hidden that.”

And yet, you’re with someone else. I swallowed the retort. Did I expect him to wait for me, when I’d made it clear we weren’t happening? Especially if he had a chance with Hunter?

“Two nights ago was amazing,” Ramsey said. “We had a long talk after.” He indicated Hunter. “You and I are good together, Taffy. We need to try again.”

And I was the idiot who wanted to. Fortunately, I didn’t have to decide. “Hunter said he didn’t want an open relationship.”

“I don’t. This isn’t open. It’s for you alone, and we’ll talk about what that means if you’re interested,” Hunter said.

Exclusive offer. Limited time only. Step inside for details.I stifled a barking laugh at the rush of random thoughts and stood again. “I can’t…” Couldn’t what? Give him a part of me again. As much as I ached to pursue this topic. “I’m gonna catch a bus home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Fuck. I had to see them tomorrow.

I needed to make sense of my thoughts before I could look them in the eye. The jumbled mess in my brain wouldn’t do at all.

I strode toward the door.

“Violet.” Ramsey’s call hit my back, as I stepped outside.

The cold blast stung against my hot cheeks, but I didn’t pause.