Page 18 of Running For It

The heat was back, setting fire to my skin and lighting up my imagination. I had to get back to the fun conversation, so I could get rid of the phantom sensation of Ramsey’s palm—his belt, my hair brush—smacking into my ass.

I held my spoon toward Ramsey, using it like a microphone. “So, Councilman Miller, if—when—you’re elected, what are your plans for cleaning up crime in the city?”

“Giant robots.” There was no hesitation in his response.

I wasn’t at all surprised, and I knew where he was going with the answer, but that didn’t stop a giggle from slipping out. “As inRobocop?Terminator? You know Skynet destroyed humanity. While that’s technically a crime deterrent, I don’t think it’s what your constituents are looking for.”

“Vibrators and toasters are three percent of the voting population, and all voices deserve to be heard.” Hunter rambled off the fake statistic with complete seriousness.

Ramsey cleared his throat and adopted a serious look. “You’re not thinking big enough.Giantrobots. As in, the Grandaddy Gundam, RX-78.”

I adored this side of them. The geeky, fanboy side that they didn’t show anyone. “Don’t mechs tend to destroy cities, Councilman?” I asked.

“Well, actually”—Hunter adopted his bestI’m on the internet and an expertvoice—“you’d find the damage was far worse if you let the monsters roam free. The mechs keep more of the city from being destroyed, even if they themselves are complicit in the destruction.”

I laughed and shook my head in disbelief. “Spoken like a true politician. I’m not sure the threats to Salt Lake are Neon Zeos.” I said the name wrong on purpose, with a lilt of teasing in my voice.

Ramsey clenched his jaw.

I stared at him, eyes wide and innocent. “Is something wrong, Councilman?”

“It’s Neo Zeongs. And you know that.”

Another laugh slipped out. Goddess, this was familiar and good in the best possible way, and I was way past wanting it not to. “Maybe.”

“You’re such a brat, Taffy.”

I shrugged in agreement. “What are you going to do? Bend me over your knee and spank me?”

“Aww.” Hunter pouted. “I want to be spanked.”

My brain slid to a halt.

Ramsey placed a finger under Hunter’s chin and raised his head to meet his gaze. “Of course. She hasn’t earned it. You just have to beg.”

Heat spilled through me, and I struggled to catch up. Not only was the exchange flat-out adorably sexy, it was also anything but friendly. Yesterday morning, ungodly early, replayed in my brain. Me, waking up, still hazy, to find Ramsey saying,I’ll talk to you in a few hours, and giving Hunter agoodbyekiss…

Fuck me.I was such a blind idiot. “You two are together.” The words came out louder than I intended. Ramsey glared at me and I clapped my hands over my mouth. A glance around us said no one was paying attention to the silly friends in the corner booth.

My heart dropped into my shoes. I was letting myself fall into awhat iffantasy with Ramsey, and he was in a relationship. I was a side dish. Not even what Hunter had been to us in the past, because he was a friend. I was just the ex.

“You didn’t think to mention this—I don’t know—two days ago?” Before I climbed back into bed with them. Before I stood on the edge of thedelusionrabbit hole and considered jumping in, headfirst?

They exchanged a look, and Ramsey gave a slight shake of his head.

Hunter turned back to me. “We don’t tell anyone, which you probably noticed.”

“You just made sure everyone saw you at one fundraiser helping kids like you, and you’re fast-laning another, and you feel like you have to hide who you are?” I wasn’t accusing them; I was genuinely curious.

Ramsey sighed. “There’s a difference between supporting a cause and being the cause. You know that. If I came out, the focus would be on my gayness—because you know I wouldn’t be bisexual to the media—and not what others needed.”

That was surprisingly altruistic and painfully realistic. “Imagine the kind of role model you’d be.”

“An amazing one,” Ramsey said. “But I’m not the only one I’m thinking about.” He looked at Hunter. “Maybe someday I’ll—we’ll—get there, but not yet. I’m a rich white boy, who’s played straight my entire life. Letting my money and other, more experienced individuals speak is more helpful.”

I wanted to argue that this was another version of his public face versus his private one, but I understood not outing people before they were ready. For all the acceptance out there, just as much bigotry still existed. And it was sweet that he was worried about Hunter in that way.

Hunter tugged one of my fingers, drawing my attention. “What happened after the party? We don’t make a habit of that.”