Page 58 of Queen of Hell

“Fuck. Don’t start something you’re not ready for, Tink,” I tell her, pushing my hips up so she can feel just how ready I am, and I smirk as she lets out a small gasp.

Before she can open her mouth with what I know will be a sarcastic remark, I push myself up and flip us over so she’s underneath me. She lets out an almost inaudible yip and her eyes widen slightly at our position. She goes to bring the knife up but I grab her wrists and trap them in one of my hands, bringing them above her head with a chuckle.

“Nuh uh, baby. I think that’s enough knife play for one night,” I say as I press myself into her. I lower my head until my lips are just a breath away from hers. “Now, as much as I would like to continue this right now, we’ve still got some things we need to sort out first,” I push myself into her again and smile as her breathing becomes laboured. “So, are you going to be a good girl and have a conversation without throwing a tantrum? Or do I need to punish you first? I have to say, I’m hoping it’s the latter. I’ve done nothing but imagine having my hands on you since I first saw you at the fight club.”

Her eyes go over my shoulder and she shakes her head before looking back at me.

“Fine. Let me up,” a small grin tilts her lips and she pushes up so her next words are said against my mouth. “I’ll be real good, Clay. I promise.” The last is said in a whisper and has my eyes closing with the promise behind them.

I dip my head to her ear and breathe deep as her vanilla scent wraps around me.

“You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, Tink. It’ll only end in punishment,” I tell her, my lips brushing her ear, and a small smile tugs at my mouth as she gasps at my words.

I drag my lips down her jaw before lifting my head to look into her eyes. I can’t help but smile at the lust I can see blazing in her bright blue orbs even as she frowns up at me with defiance, like she’ll stab me as soon as she gets the chance. That look on her face has me wanting to fuck the defiance out of her right here in front of everyone. I grind against her, unable to stop myself, and drop my head so our lips are brushing as I speak.

“I’m going to let you up and we are going to continue our conversation with no more dramatics. Do you think you can do that, Kenzi?”

She closes her eyes and takes a shuddering breath, and when she opens them again the lust has dimmed slightly, the beginning tendrils of anger starting to burn through it.

“I am not a fucking child, Clayton. Now get the fuck off me before I forget why we’re here and christen my shiny new toy in your blood.”

Yeah, she’s pissed. I let out a chuckle and lift myself off her, using my hold on her wrists to pull her up with me. She’s still got hold of the blade in her hand and I shake my head as I bring her hands down in front of us.

“Are you going to put the blade away, Tink?”

“You would have to let go for me to do that,” a small smirk crosses her face as she tilts her head. “Do you think you can do that, Clay?” She asks, throwing my words back at me.

I look over my shoulder at Xave and chuckle.

“Is she always this much of a brat?” I ask him with an arched brow and his lips lift into a grin that has my own growing wider.

“Yes. She is,” he replies with a chuckle, looking over at her.

I turn back to her in time to see her roll her eyes at Xave as she takes a small step back, widening the gap between us.

“Yeah, yeah. You’re such a brat, Kenzi. Stop trying to stab me, Kenzi. You can’t kill anyone yet, Kenzi,” she says, bobbing her head from side to side and lowering her voice in a mockery of what I think is supposed to be a mix of me and Xave. “Ugh, you boys are no fun anymore. You got old,” she says giggling.

Laughter comes from across the room and I hear Xave growl behind me.

“You really shouldn’t encourage her. Our little troublemaker has already earned herself a punishment for her behaviour tonight. You wouldn’t want to make it worse for her, or end up joining her, would you? It would be much more fun if you were to join me in the punishing, Little One.”

I hear a gasp and turn my head to look between Xave and Poppy. He is looking her way with an expression that says he can’t wait to get her alone and Poppy’s eyes are wide and on him, a flush creeping up her face as her breathing becomes heavy. I turn back to Kenzi to see her reaction, but her eyes are no longer on me. They are on Xave and Poppy, the lust that had dimmed only minutes before back in her eyes as her gaze moves between them.

“As much as all this foreplay is fun to watch, I’m starting to feel a little bit left out over here,” Wyatt says with a chuckle and Xave’s head whips towards him, the smile he had on his face when looking at Poppy now replaced with a glare.

“Now, now, Xave. If I’m not allowed to kill anyone tonight, then neither are you,” Kenzi tells him before turning back to me. “Let me go, Clay. I’ll put the blade away and we can wrap this up so you guys can get the hell out of here,” She grins as she looks between Xave and Poppy once more. “It looks like I’ve got a punishment to get to.”

I let go of her hands and take a step back, breathing deep to try and clear the smell of her from my head as I watch her sheath the knife at her hip and then look at me expectantly.

“Okay, so our bastard fathers are trying to close a deal that will set them up in the skin trade, and we need you to kill them all before they can get their hands on any girls,” I tell her.

She growls when I mention the skin trade but doesn’t lunge for me again. Instead, she tilts her head in thought and her brow furrows in concentration as she tries to put together the pieces of whatever puzzle she’s trying to figure out in her head.

“Would your dad still have connections in London by any chance, Clay?” She asks me.

“Well, yeah, of course he does. It was the whole reason he was hired. Our fathers have people in place in London for their clients there, just as they do in every other major city in the country.”

She growls once more and her eyes go to Rafe.