Page 57 of Queen of Hell

“Rafe’s dad is one of the biggest players in the country. He uses the prestige of the university to his advantage, allowing entrance to only those whose families can help his agenda and then using those connections to get his weapons and drugs everywhere,” I tell her.

“So why haven’t we heard of Daddy Monroe if his reach is so wide? And how the fuck does he manage to take over the whole entry process to one of the most prestigious universities in the fucking country, as well as the town it’s named after, without anyone fucking knowing it’s happening?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

“He’s got the resources to make sure nothing ever ties back to him, Kenz. He’s also the biggest donor to the uni. He bought off the whole board to ensure they only allow entrance to those he approves of. And as for the town,” I look at Eli and Wyatt. “That's where our dads come in.”

“Who signed off on your acceptance, Kenzi? I couldn’t find anything in your files when I went looking, and I’mreallygood at finding what I want,” Eli says, and her lips turn up in a grin as she looks at him.

“Obviously not good enough, huh? All you need to know is that it wasn’t anyone on the board,” Her grin grows wider as she looks back at me. “I bypassed those stuffy old bastards and had my files locked up tight, so your fathers have no idea I’m here.”

My mouth drops at her words and the only thing they could mean.Andrew Marks.The Dean of the university and the only person that doesn’t know what’s really going on with the town. He’s been totally immersed in his work since his wife died years ago not paying any attention to anything else, including his daughter, and our fathers needed someone completely oblivious to what was going on to be the face of the uni, which is the only reason he got the job, and the reason Poppy was put on our list when we started there. We couldn’t have her becoming too friendly with anyone and finding out what was really going on.

My eyes flick to where Poppy is seated and Kenzi lets out a low growl causing my eyes to whip back to her. She frowns and gives a nearly imperceptible shake of her head and I give her a small nod in return. I won’t say anything about this little discovery, but it's interesting information to know Dean Marks isn’t as clean as our fathers believe.

“Well, that’s good news,” Wyatt says, and I turn to him with a questioning look on my face. “At least we know that if she does decide to kill us it’ll be because she’s completely insane and not because of our fathers.” Rafe hits him round the back of his head and he flinches at the contact before looking at the three of us with a shrug. “Hey, you weren’t close enough to hear what he said to her. Trust me.”

“Aww, don’t hit him for being honest, Rafe,” Kenzi tells him with a grin. “I really am insane. Certifiable, really. It’s the whole reason I do what I do. And it seems your dear old daddy, however unknowingly, played a part in making me this way.” She turns to look at Wyatt before continuing. “He should hit you because you’re an idiot. I mean who in their right mind tells a crazy person that they are, in fact, insane? Especially after that same person just got done throwing a knife in your leg? Not to mention the fact that you’re trying to convince me to kill your parents for you.” She huffs out a laugh and shakes her head, “I mean, really, Wyatt. Are youalwaysthis unaware of your surroundings?”

“Come on, fairy girl. You know I mean it in the best way,” he says with a smile that showcases his dimple. She drops his gaze, chuckling and moving back to lean into Xave.

“Fucking pretty boys with dimples, Xave. I swear the gods are trying to test me,” she says with a shake of her head and he chuckles as he wraps his arms around her waist. She looks at each of us in turn before she speaks again. “So, Daddy Monroe has it all set up so he can push his product out across the country without ever having to worry about it coming back on him, and nearly everyone that lives in WinterHill is on his payroll. What exactly have you four been doing whilst this has been going on?” She asks, raising an eyebrow. “You don’t seem to be doing too bad with the lot you’ve been given. What happens if I agree to do this? Are you going to pick up where they left off?” She leans further into Xave, tapping on his arm as she looks at me and shrugs. “Maybe I should just kill all of you too, so I won't have to worry about you filling your daddy's shoes.”

“There’s no need for that, Kenz,” I say with a shake of my head. “We’ve been working for years to try and take them down and put a stop to what’s been happening here.” I hold her stare, trying to convince her of what I’m saying. “We’ve been gathering information, hijacking shipments and getting rid of their men, but they’re planning something huge and we’re running out of time to put a stop to it for good.”

“If you’ve been working so hard to put a stop to what they’re doing, why the fuck haven’t you got rid of them yourselves? I’m pretty sure you’ve all been in the perfect position to take them off the board at some point, right? So why do you need me?”

I look down at my feet before looking back up at her and clearing my throat.

“If we had done it ourselves then someone else would just take over and we would have achieved nothing. We need your specific expertise, so to speak, so that the others will be too scared of what would happen to them if they even tried.”

Kenzi’s mouth drops open as she stares at me before letting out a laugh that has us all jumping at the sound.

“You… You’ve got to… to be fucking with me!” She gasps out through her laughter as she thumps on Xave’s arms that are still wrapped around her waist.

The guys look towards me, but I shake my head. I don’t know what part of my statement had set her off, but I wasn’t going to interrupt her. Her laughter finally quiets after a few minutes and she wipes her eyes before looking at me with a smile on her face that quickly drops when she takes in my serious expression.

“I’m deadly serious, Kenzi. We thought that we had at least a bit more time to work everything out before doing this, but after what Rafe found in his father’s office last week, we haven’t got any time to waste. I don’t want to think of what would happen here if they complete this new deal. We can’t allow that to happen, Kenz.”

“What is it about this new deal that has you needing this done so urgently, Clay?” She asks, her mouth turning down and her brows furrowing as she frowns at me.

I take a deep breath and look from her to Xave. His eyes are on me but his face is unreadable, showing none of his thoughts about what I’ve just revealed about our little town. I pray to whatever gods will listen that they’ll help us put a stop to our fathers when I tell them what those bastards have planned as I drop my gaze back to Kenzi.

“The deal is with another one of the biggest players in the country, Gregory Price, but he doesn't deal in weapons or drugs,” I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Then I open them to stare into her icy blue eyes and hope that she can see the truth in mine. “He deals inpeople, Kenz. Those bastards are trying to get into the skin trade.”

She’s on me before I know what’s happening and my back hits the floor as shouts erupt around us. But I keep my eyes on her as she straddles me and leans over, pressing a blade to my throat.

“What the fuck did you just say?” She snarls, so close that I can feel her breath ghosting across my lips.

I catch movement out the corner of my eye and shake my head slightly, feeling the sharp edge of the blade scrape across my skin as I do so.

“I’m going to think you don’t like me if you keep putting knives to my neck, Kenz. You know, there are much better things we could be doing in this position,” I say with a small smile.

Her breath hitches slightly and I watch as her pupils dilate with lust.

“Now is not the best time to try and fuck with me, Clay.”

“Oh, I’m not trying to fuckwithyou, Tink. I’d much rather befuckingyou,” I say, pushing my head up slightly so my lips brush hers.

Her eyes flutter closed as her breath hitches once more before she shakes her head, dragging her blade down the front of my body as she pushes herself up until she’s sat on top of my hardening dick. A smirk crosses her face as she wriggles against me and I let out a hiss of breath.