Page 20 of Queen of Hell

“Plus,” Elijah says from my right, his voice smooth, drawing me in and making me turn my head to look at him next. “We would already know if it wasn’t for the fact that you missed classes this afternoon.” He looks down at me and narrows his eyes. “Tell me, baby doll, was there any particular reason for that?”

Fucking short people nicknames. Ihateshort people nicknames. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Big. Fucking. Mistake. Their combined scents hit me and I feel a wave of pure lust flow through my veins. I look up at Clay when I open my eyes, and if his smirk is anything to go by, he sees just how turned on I am by their close proximity.

“Hmm,” he says, stepping in even closer, his voice low. “Maybe we should just remove your mask and see for ourselves who you are under there.” He starts to raise his hand towards my face but I raise my own hand to the mask to keep it there.

“You do not want to do that, Clayton,” I tell him. He startles at my use of his name and I smile. “Now, move. Before I do something you’ll regret.”

He nods and I let out a breath thinking they are going to move back, but before I can take a step, Elijah and Wyatt both take hold of my arms, while Rafael moves right up to my back. I tug on my arms but their holds tighten. I try to stomp on Rafael’s foot with my heel, but he just hooks a leg around mine and wraps his arms under my armpits to steady us both.

I take a look around but I’m too small to see anything around these bastards. The giggles get louder and I look up at Clay, absolutely furious with him, and at myself for getting distracted by pretty faces and not paying fucking attention to my surroundings, but that’s also his fault.

“Let. Me. Go.” I tell him, letting him see the anger in my eyes.

“Hmm, I don’t think I want to do that,” he says. “I think I want to take off this mask and finally find out who you are.”

“Don’t,” I say. “You are not going to like what you find.”

“Why? Are you some sort of monster under there?” Wyatt asks me, laughing.

“Something like that,” I scoff, not taking my eyes off of Clay as he lifts his hand to remove the mask from my face. I was going to listen to Xave and try to stay out of his way, but if this is how he wants to do this then fine, I am not going to shy away from him. I’m the motherfucking Queen of Hell and I’m a fucking badass crazy bitch, and that doesn’t change just because he’s caught me off guard this once.Change of motherfucking plan bitches, it’s about time he realises who I became after he left.

“Anything you want to tell us before I finally find out who you are?” He asks me with his hand on the side of my mask.

“Yeah,” I scoff at him. “Once you do this, that is it. There are no do-overs, Clayton. I’ve tried to warn you not to do it this way but you don’t want to listen. You never were very good at that. You are determined to be a fucking arsehole with your fucking arsehole friends.” I close my eyes and shake my head slightly. “Fuck you, Clayton Maguire. Do it, let's see if I’m everything you have imagined. I’ve got to say, you are a fucking huge disappointment.” I start to laugh and it makes him still for a moment. But it's not enough to stop him.

I keep my eyes on him as he starts to lift my mask. I want to see the moment he recognizes exactly who he’s been manhandling. I’m not disappointed, it is aglorioussight. As soon as he lifts the mask above my eyes, he sees my face for the first time in nearly six years. Recognition hits him and he gasps and takes a step back.

“Hello, Clay. Did you miss me?” I ask him as I wink and give him my most savage smile.

“W-What the fuck?Kenz?” He asks, like he can’t believe I’m really standing in front of him.

“It’s been a while, six years to be exact. I bet you never expected to see me again after…” I look around at the dickheads still holding me captive. “Well… you know,” I say with a chuckle.

“Clay, who the fuck is this chick?” Rafael asks him.

“Yeah, Clay, why don’t you tell them who I am. After all, you have already gone to so much trouble to find out who was hiding behind the mask.” I keep my eyes on him and watch a range of emotions flicker across his face before he quickly shuts each one down. I sneer at him, “What’s the matter, Clay, cat got your tongue? Don’t know how to explain who I am to your arsehole friends?”

“Tink,” he says. It comes out strangled and I can’t tell whether it is to warn me not to say anything, or just because he’s in shock at seeing me, but the nickname has my heart feeling like it’s breaking all over again.

“No, Clay. You lost the right to call me Tink the night you left.” I let him see the pain in my eyes before I lock it down and show him nothing but my rage. “Here,let me,” I sneer at him. “Hi, I’m Kenzi Scott. Clay and I go way back, don’t we, Clay,” I say, not taking my eyes off his. “Well, up until he left anyway.” I look down at the arms still holding me and then back up at him. “Now,Clay,” I spit. “I’m going to guess that you knowexactlywhat I’ve been up to since that night. You drew my mark after all.” I tilt my head at him and he nods. “So, are you going to tell your friends to release me, or do I give them a…demonstrationof what I can really do?” I look around at each of their faces again, having to tip my head back to look at Rafael who is still plastered to my back like a fucking leech, and then turn back to him smiling at the way his face pales. “I can tell you now, Clay, if you make me do this you willnotlike the outcome.”

“Clay? What’s going on?” Wyatt asks him, squeezing my arm a little tighter. “Who the fuck is this little bitch?”

“From fairy girl to little bitch. What’s with all the fucking short references, dickhead? I mean you guys are fucking giants, but you don’t see me calling you fucking Sasquatch or Gigantor now, do you?” I take my eyes off Clay to look at him. “That’s starting to hurt, Wyatt. I would suggest that you let go of my arm if you want to leave here with your hand still attached. I’m sure Clay will be happy to fill you in on exactly what I’m capable of, won’t you, Clay.”

“Let her go,” Clay tells them.

“What thefuck, man?” Rafael says. “She is literally pint-sized. What could she do to four men twice her size?”

“I said. Let. Her. Go,” he repeats, and as one they all let go of me and take a step back.

I snatch my mask out of Clay’s hand and put it back on my face.

“Good choice, Clay,” I tell him with a smirk. “Now, I’m going to find the bastard that runs this place to collect my money, and then I’m leaving. You are not going to stop me, or follow me, do you understand?”

“Kenzi,” he starts, but I cut him off.

“Do. You. Understand?” I ask him again and he nods. “Good.” I turn around to walk away.