Page 21 of Queen of Hell

“Are you sure about this, brother?” Elijah asks him and I scoff, turning to him.

“Brother? I really hope your loyalty is better placed than the last person to call himbrother,” I spit, catching Clay’s flinch at my words. “Of course he’s sure, isn’t that right, Clay,” I say turning to him.

“Yes, I’m sure. Let her get out of here,” he says to Elijah. He hasn’t taken his eyes off me since he removed my mask.

“I’m going to let you tell your new friends exactly who I am, Clay, considering we’re going to be spending the next year in the same university. That should ensure we don’t have a fucking repeat of what just happened here, because next time I won’t be so accommodating to your egos. I amnotthe same girl I was before that night, Clay, and what you saw before you ran was only the beginning.”

He lowers his head and closes his eyes. “Kenzi, we need to talk about-”

“No, Clay, wedon’t. Not tonight. We will have that conversation you are now so desperate for after six years, but it will be onmyfucking terms. You and your fucking arsehole friends have already ruined what I came here to do tonight, and now I’m itching to play. Youdo notwant me to play with you right now, Clay. I can guarantee you won’t survive it.” I turn my back on him and start to walk away. “Oh, and Clay,” I call back to him over my shoulder. “Poppy Marks is under my protection. I don’t want to catchanyonefucking with her. Do whatever it is you do and make it known she is off-limits to every-fucking-one. I’ll see you cunts in class tomorrow.”

With that last statement, I go in search of the guy who has my money so I can finally get the fuck out of here.



“Who. The fuck. Was that?” Rafe asks as we watch Kenzi saunter out of sight.

FuckingKenzi Scott. Ireallyhadn’t been expecting to see the girl who haunted both my dreams and nightmares under that mask when I had decided to corner the pink-haired girl after her fight. I’d looked into those icy blue eyes under the mask and had a jolt of memory after I had lent in and caught the familiar vanilla scent of her shampoo, but I never once thought it could be her.

I had no idea what she meant with her statement before I pulled her mask off, but when I pulled the mask over her head and saw her properly, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of its chest. There was so much I wanted, no,neededto say to her, but she didn’t let me.

She’s changed from the quiet, smart girl I knew. She is fucking gorgeous. I don’t know why she chose to change her hair, but it suits her. With her eye colour, it makes her look like one of the fairies I used to tell her she resembled. She has an attitude now too, the Kenzi I knew would never have spoken out like that, even to me, and it was fucking hot. It took all my fucking willpower not to grab her and fuck her against the ring.

What the fuck is she doing here? Did our fathers hire her? Do they know what we are planning? Is she here to kill us, kill me?

“Fuck!” I exclaim, causing all three of them to turn towards me. “This is a fucking disaster!”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Clay?” Wyatt asks with a laugh. “She’s just a tiny girl. Those two guys she fought were probably fucking wasted, which is the only way she could have got so fucking lucky,” he smirks at me. “She’s fucking hot though, dude. What’s the deal between you two? You hit that?”

“Fuck off, Wyatt, you have no idea. Kenzi Scott is so much more than just a hot chick, and any reason she’s here is not a good one,” I tell him.

“Clay, I understand that you two have some sort of history, but it’s not like she can take on the kings of WinterHill. Emma and her minions will have her running by the end of the week,” Eli says.

“No. None of you understand,” I sigh. “Look, I’ll explain it all, but we have to get out of here first. I can’t risk anyone else hearing what I’ve got to tell you.”

“Surely it can’t be that bad. What did you do, fuck her and leave? It’s not like she’s the first chickthat’sever happened to,” Rafe says and I lower my head and close my eyes.

“No,” I say, lifting my head back up to look at each of them. “What I did was much worse. Come on, let's get back to WinterHill and I’ll explain everything.”

As one we make our way out of the building and reach Rafe’s black Mercedes Benz G-Class. Rafe jumps into the driver's seat, with Wyatt taking shotgun, and Eli and I get in the back. Everyone’s silent as we pull out of the lot and onto the dark road.

“Okay, fucking spill, Clay. Who the fuck was that girl, and what the fuck was all that back there?” Rafe asks me, his eyes never leaving the road.

“That was Kenzi Scott,” I tell them. “She’salsoknown as the Queen of Hell.”

Wyatt starts laughing in his seat and turns to face me.

“Yeah, good one, Clay!” He barks out. “That tiny little thing back there was the Queen of Hell!” He continues to laugh while Eli just watches me.

“I’m completely serious Wyatt,” I tell him quietly.

“Wait,” Eli says. “Do you mean to tell us that youknowthe Queen of hell, and have known who she was all this time?”

“Yes, but I couldn’t get in touch with her myself. I’ve not seen her since before I left London to come here, and we didn’t exactly part on good terms.”

“Fuck, Clay,” Rafe says, looking at me through the rear view mirror. “I think you need to explain. And if you didn’t call her, what the fuck is she doing here?”