Page 15 of Queen of Hell

I continue to move my gaze across the room and get to the back corner where there’s an exit. Two trays have been left on the table next to the door with half-eaten lunches on them but there’s no pink-haired girl anywhere to be seen. How the fuck did she manage to get out of here without me seeing her? Did she slip out of the exit when Emma was blocking my view of everything but her tits? I turn around and slam my fist onto the table.

“Rafe, Wyatt. Leave that fucking punk alone. Fun’s over,” I tell them.

“What’s up, Clay? Emma not sucking your dick right?” Rafe asks with a laugh.

“The new chick slipped out before I could catch sight of her. Maybe if you two were paying attention instead of toying with first-years, we would know who the fuck she is by now.”

“We’ll know who she is soon enough, Clay,” Eli says as he finishes his burger.

“You need to chill out a bit, bro,” Wyatt says. “It’s only lunch, there is still plenty of time to find out who she is and what she’s doing here. It’s not like she can hide for long with pink hair. I hope she’s hot. I’d really like to see what it would look like wrapped around my fist.”

“Get your fucking dick under control, Wyatt. We find out how she’s here, and why, and then we do what we need to do to get rid of her. We can’t afford any distractions this year.”

“Yeah, I know, Clay. But I’m all for having a bit of fun while we do it,” he replies with a smile.

“Fuck yeah!” Rafe exclaims. “The pussy here is the same as it’s always been. I’m bored. I don’t think I can put up with it for another year. Maybe some fresh meat is exactly what we need.”

“Dude. You just spent the summer fucking a different girl every night. How the hell can you be bored already?” I laugh and shake my head. “Okay, why the fuck not? We find out who she is and then see how far we can push her before we get rid of her.”

“Hell yeah! Game on!” Wyatt exclaims as he faces the room. “Right, shut the fuck up and pay attention everyone!” The room goes silent and all eyes turn to us. “I want any information on the new chick with pink hair, and I’ll reward anyone that can give it to me.”

He waits a minute and no one comes forward. They’re all too scared of us to speak up so I rise from my chair.

“Come on. At least a few of you have had the same lectures as her already today. One of you knows something, and you know what will happen if I don’t get what I want.”

We have run this town since we met in our final year of secondary school, and everyone knows what happens to people that end up on our shit list. We make their lives here hell. We were the same, the four of us. We were brought together when I started at WinterHill Secondary by the fucked up business our fathers are embroiled in, and our desires to get free of the fucked up shit they made us do.

Fuck, if only she could see me now. Would she throw the last words I said to her back in my face? Or would she embrace the darkness that’s unfurled inside me in the six years we’ve been apart?

Students start talking around me and I watch as a couple of girls start making their way to our table.

“Well?” I ask them when they’re standing in front of me.

“We don’t know her name or anything, but she was in our accounting and business lectures this morning. So that means she’s in the top tier,” the first girl says.

“And she was with Poppy Marks in both lectures,” the second girl finishes.

I smile at that. It means we all have the same lectures. Perfect. The only reason we don’t know who she is yet, is because we missed this morning’s classes to take care of some business in town.

“What’s your name?” I ask the first girl.

“I’m Hannah, and this is Cindy,” she says as she looks up at me.

They’re both pretty, in a plastic, barbie looking way. Hannah is tall and blonde, while Cindy is slightly shorter and brunette. They would both look nice on their knees in front of me.

“Well, Hannah and Cindy, thank you. We will come and find you to express our gratitude later,” I tell them with a smile and a wink. They both look up at me, and then at each other before running back off to their table.

“Looks like we’ll know exactly who the new chick is when we get to class,” Eli starts as I take my seat.

“And then the fun can begin.” Wyatt finishes as he and Rafe sit down.

“Girls, get the fuck out of here. We’ll see you later,” I tell Emma, Amanda, and Samantha. We need to talk and can’t do that with them hanging around. They get up and leave the dining hall without question. They know the deal if they want to stick around. I turn back to my brothers and look at each of them. “Right, we find out what this girl’s name is, and then we get all the information we need to figure out how the fuck she got here.” I turn to Eli. “You use your tech skills and connections with the police to gather any information you can.” I look at Wyatt next. “You work on your dad. No one’s supposed to get into this University without going through him first, and how often hasthathappened?” I say, not actually needing an answer. We all know I was the last kid transferred into a school in this town, and we all know why my family was brought here. “Rafe, you find out if there’s any information about this girl that you can dig up through your family’s connections, that we can’t get from moreconventionalmethods.”

They all nod, ready to do what they need to.

“You fighting tonight, Clay? There’s a big crowd going so we should be able to come away with quite a bit of cash,” Rafe says, smirking. “Plus it looks like you could do with releasing some tension, Bro.”

“Dude, if Emma’s not taking care of business I know plenty of chicks that wouldn’t mind getting on their knees for you,” Wyatt says as they all sit there laughing at me.