Page 16 of Queen of Hell

“Fuck off, I don’t need any help getting laid. Fucking arseholes,” I tell them laughing. I may be under a lot of pressure to make this work for us, but my brothers know how to keep me from falling too far down the blood-soaked rabbit hole. “Yeah, I’m fighting tonight. We’ve got some business to take care of down there, so while you three are dealing with that, I’ll do what I do best and make people bleed.”

“Have you found any information on how to get in touch with who we’ll need to finally end this? We need her for our plan to work, Clay. She is the only one who will be able to get in and out unnoticed because no one knows what she looks like. Word is, she kills everyone that sees her,” Wyatt says.

Not everyone, I’m still here, I think to myself. I know exactly what she looks like. Those blue eyes that were so light they shone like diamonds, were seared into my mind the very first day I laid my eyes on them when we were ten. Fuck. I was the one who drew the mark she loves to carve into her kills.Kenzi Fucking Scott. The girl I protected for six years… then didn’t.

Images of that night come to the forefront of my mind. The phone call from Xavier, scared something bad had happened when he couldn’t get hold of her. The terror I felt as I rushed from my dad’s office and raced home, praying her father hadn’t taken it too far this time and killed her because we weren’t there. Rushing through the front door and down the hallway to the living room. The shock and terror I felt when I took in the absolute carnage in the room. The blood, there was so much of it. The sight and smell made me gag as I tried to find her among the mutilated bodies. Finding the fucking picture I drew for her as a way to take control of the one thing she could. The name her father called her, carved into the faces and chests of the dead men. Xavier’s shouts that he’d found her coming from the bathroom, then slamming to a stop at the door as I took in her appearance. She sat in the shower, her blue eyes completely dead as she looked up at us, she was covered in blood. The words I’d spat at her in my scared state, as she looked up, shaking from whatever she’d been through. The look on her face as my words shattered her heart. Running like the fucking coward I was when I couldn’t face her looking at me like I had just betrayed her in the worst way. I never spoke to them again after that night. I changed my number and moved here a week after it all happened. I never told anyone what I saw that night. I never betrayed her inthatway at least.

The guys don’t know I have history with the Queen of Hell.

I was a fucking mess when I got here, suffering from nightmares that kept me up at night for months. I saw the news. I knew it was her every time a picture of that mark came up on the TV.Would she kill me too if she knew where I was?I honestly didn’t know the answer. I hoped she wouldn’t, that there was at least some of the girl I knew before that night still there. But then I’ve seen the videos of the people she’s killed. She’s different now. I don’t know what happened that night before we got there, or what had happened after I left them and ran. But I’m almost certain she would cut my heart right out of my chest if she saw me now. Fuck, I think even Xavier would put a bullet in my chest if he found out what I do now after everything I said that night.

“I’m trying, but she’s like a fucking ghost,” I tell him instead. “I keep hitting dead end after dead end with my contacts.”

That isn’t a lie. All of my contacts have been dead ends. No one I’ve asked has been in this world deep enough to get me the information I need. I’ve been reluctant to do it myself for obvious reasons. Well, obvious tomeanyway. Wyatt is right. She’s the only one who would be able to take care of the most vital part of our plan. Wecoulddo it ourselves, it’s not like we haven’t before, but this needs the type of savagery only she is capable of dishing out. We want them to know true fear before they die.Fuck! I’ll give it until the end of the week to see if anyone has managed to contact her, and if not, I will have to bite the bullet and finally do the job myself. I just hope neither of them will kill me before finding out what it is I want from her.

“You alright, brother?” Eli asks me. He’s too gods damned observant, he sees fuckingeverything.

I’ll tell them the truth this weekend if, andonlyif, there’s no way of me getting out of speaking to either of them myself. They need to know in case I don’t make it back. Which, if the stories about her are true, is a very strong possibility.

“This new girl is just extra shit we don’t need to be dealing with right now,” I sigh. “We’ve got too much riding on this for anything to happen and fuck it up. I’ve got a bad feeling about her being here now.”

“We’ve got this, Clay.” Wyatt looks at me. “As you said, once we know who she is and why she’s here we can work on getting rid of her.”

“And if she’s hanging around with Poppy, it should be easy. She won’t make any other friends hanging around with her, so she’ll be easier to isolate from just one person rather than a group of them,” Eli states.

“It probably also means that she won’t be worth our time playing with, so she’ll be gone even quicker. I can’t see anyone who would hang out with the Dean’s kid as someone who would be able to handleoneof us, let alone all four,” Rafe adds with a knowing smirk.

“Yeah, you’re probably right about that,” I tell him with a chuckle. The warning bell goes, signalling we’ve got ten minutes until lunch is over. “Okay, brothers. Let’s go and find out who the hell this pink-haired chick is so we can get back to business.”

We grab our bags and rise from our seats, make our way out of the dining hall and head down the corridor to our computer class. Students trip over themselves to stay out of our way, doing what they can to avoid our attention and the punishments we like to dish out. They know even the teachers won’t be able to help them. We own them too. Our parents own the town which means they also own the university and, as much as we hate them, we use it to our advantage as much as possible, to do what we need to without any questions being asked.

We make our way up the stairwell and come out on the first floor, then walk towards the classroom. The corridor is almost empty, with only a few students left making their way into their lectures. We stop just before the door to our computer class and get ready to finally see what the new girl looks like. We walk through the door, stopping just inside it, taking a look around the room at all the students sitting down.

There’s no sign of Poppy or the new girl. We make our way to the back of the class and take our seats.

“What the fuck, bro? Where are they?” Wyatt asks with a frown.

“How the fuck should I know,” I reply, even though it’s clear he’s only thinking out loud.

I’m pissed. Poppy is always the first to class so she can hide in the back corner out of the way, so where the fuck is she? And where is the fucking new girl? She should be here even if Poppy isn’t. I clench my hands into fists on the top of my desk.

“Don’t worry, brother. We’ve got another lecture after this one. She can’t hide from us for long,” Rafe says, in an effort to calm me down.

“No, she can’t,” I agree, unclenching my hands. “And if she tries, it will only make it worse for her when we finally do get our hands on her.” I smile, thinking of all the things I could do to get this girl out of here. The three of them chuckle in response, no doubt thinking the same.

I don’t know what you’re doing here or what you want, new girl. But when I finally get my hands on you and find out who sent you, you’re going to wish you never stepped foot inside my school.



I’m speeding down the dark road on my bike, following the directions Xavier sent me for tonight’s fight.

Poppy managed to get me a week pass from her dad’s office to get me out of the gate. That girl sure managed to shock the fuck out of me today. I expected her to run. To look at me in disgust, or tell me I was sick.Just like Clay did. But she didn’t.

She must have worked out, from hearing my side of the conversation with Xavier, that I know Clay and that he broke my heart. She also heard me talk about killing him, being insane, and being the ‘Infamous Queen of Hell. Doing the work the Police were too scared to do.’ Those were her exact fucking words.

She had questions, of course, and started firing them at me rapidly without giving me a chance to answer, until I told her to stop and let me explain. The questions were another thing that shocked me about her. I expected her to get stuck on either me being insane or the Clay situation. But all her questions were about me being the Queen of Hell.