Page 69 of Queen of Hell

Fuck! As much as I hate to admit that he’s right, he is. If this is what I have to do in order for them to take out our fathers and ensure the others safety, I'll do it.

“Fine,” I sigh, “but this better not fuck up anything when it comes to our fathers. There will only be two weeks to get this done after next weekend and we can’t afford to have anything go wrong,” I tell him with a small nod.

“That brings us to our next bit of business,” he says looking towards his computer screen and nodding before looking back at me. “There was an event you left off your list that would be the perfect time for Kenzi to do her thing. It seems that your parents hold a huge Halloween party every year, and it just so happens that this year's party is in four weeks.

“No, that was the whole reason I left it off the list. Our fathers are supposed to finalise the deal during that party, which is why it needs to be done before then,” I tell him shaking my head. “Trying anything at that party would be a suicide mission, the amount of security alone will be more than any one person could deal with.”

With Price being in town there will be nearly twice as many armed guards. There’s no way Kenzi would be able to get out of there if she’s found out.

“Then it’s a good thing you four will be there to help ensure everything goes to plan,” he tells me with a hard look, as if he heard what I was thinking. “This is non-negotiable, Clay. It is the best way to ensure we get to all of them without the others being aware of what’s happening until it's too late,” he looks at his computer screen once more, running his fingers over the keyboard before opening a drawer on his desk and retrieving a weird looking flash drive. “I need the guest list and the number of guards that will be there. I also need access to the surveillance feed at Monroe’s place,” he says, pushing the drive across the desk towards me. “This will get me in, just insert it into one of the ports. It sits flush so it will go unnoticed.”

I pick it up and turn it over in my hand to get a better look at it. Where the part of the drive that would normally poke out of the computer should be is a small square of plastic. I place it back down on the table before looking back at Xave, shaking my head.

“It’ll never fucking work, Xave. You have to know that, right? There’s no way Kenzi will be able to kill all four of them during a party they’re hosting. Fuck, she’ll be lucky if she manages to kill even one of them before getting caught,” I stand up placing my hands on the table and lean in towards him. “No, this is fucking reckless, Xave. There’s no way she can do what you’re planning. You’ll end up getting us all killed if you go through with it and I will not let anything happen to my brothers.”

He flinches slightly at my words and I catch the look of hurt on his face before he can hide it, his face going blank as he leans back in his chair to look up at me.

“You’ve got no idea what Kenzi can do, Clay.Youran away, remember?” he says, arching his brow. “This happens the way we say it does, or it doesn’t happen at all.”

“Xave-” I start but he cuts me off.

“No, Clay. You see, whilst you were here making a new family,Iwas left picking up the pieces of our old one,” he says, way too calmly for the anger now blazing in his eyes. “Not once have you tried to contact either of us in six years, and now here you are, asking us to save that shiny new family for you by killing the most powerful men in this fucked up town.”

He stands from his chair and places his hands on the desk, mirroring me so our faces are only inches apart. His face is hard, but there’s no way for him to hide the hurt mixed with the anger in his eyes with us being so close.

“And you want to question the way we do things after you left us to figure everything out by ourselves? No, I don’t think so, Clay. You have no idea what Kenzi has been through to get where she is today, or what I have done to make sure she stayed safe for all these years. So we’ll save yourpreciousfamily for you, but we do it our way. Now sit the fuck down so we can go over the plan.”



It’s close to midnight and I’m walking down the long arse road just outside town in ripped skinny jeans and a crop top, my leather jacket open and my boots crunching in the dead foliage underneath them.

I don’t know why the fuck I let Xave talk me into this plan. It’s fucking freezing out here and I’ve already been waiting for Sullivan to drive past for the last forty five minutes. How fucking long does it take to pack up an overnight bag and check out of the tiny hotel in town? I swear Xave had me come out extra early to fuck with me. He probably thinks he’s teaching me some sort of fucked up lesson about having patience. It’snotworking.

I’ll show him patience,I think to myself with an evil chuckle as I tug my jacket closed around me and think up the perfect revenge.We’ll see just how patient he can be when I lock him in that giant freezer in the kitchen. Let’s see how he likes freezing his bollocks off.It’ll probably gain me another punishment, but I am so down for Xave’s form of torture that I would happily cuff myself to the bed and wait there for him to get free.

I’m feeling slightly naked without a mask, but for this to work there’s no way I can wear one just yet. Maybe I’ll put it on when I get him back to my playroom and have him strapped to my cross. Just the fact that I get to christen my new toy with this cunts blood has my thoughts of getting revenge on Xave, and his punishments, fleeing as my heart warms at all the pretty screams I’ll be pulling out of him in just a little while.

Clay had done what Xave asked and had managed to get the information on what Sullivan and his father were meeting about. I shouldn’t have been surprised when he told me that they were discussing how to distribute the girls they were already kidnapping and selling throughout London, and how this new deal would make them even bigger than Moreno was.

I was mentioned a couple of times too. Apparently they don’t believe that the Queen of Hell will be able to stop them from taking over the skin trade because they’re not in London for me to find, and Iapparentlywould never think to look for them in some pretentious town halfway up the country.

I hate to admit it, but they were half right. I never would have thought to look this far away for whoever was selling girls in my city, but they were wrong when they said that was the reason I wouldn’t be able to stop them. I would have found them soon enough. Joseph Hamilton is testament to that, but it seems like the gods have decided to throw me a bone and Hell will be finding them sooner than any of them imagined.

They also believe I killed the two goons they hired to grab a mark just over a month ago because they didn’t receive confirmation of the job, nor have they heard anything from them about the girl since. Again, also true. And it answered the question I had about who the fuck was crazy enough to come after me.

But that wasn’t even the best part. You see, it seems that Clay’s father had picked me specifically. He remembered how Clay and I were always together when we were younger and was going togift me to him.

Yeah, you heard that correctly. Daddy Maguire was going to give me to his son as a sex slave. And Sullivan is supposed to be contacting someone when he gets back to London so that plan can still go ahead.

The wrongs that keep piling up for Clay’s father when it comes to me just continue to grow high enough to topple over and bury him under his sins. I smile to myself as I think of the moment when I’ll finally be standing in front of him and he realises that the girl he was going to give to his son has not only been under his nose for the last couple of months, but is also going to be the one to give him a gruesome death before he ends up in hell and becomes the Devil’s bitch.

I hear a car engine in the distance and turn to see a set of headlights making their way towards me. Thank the fucking gods. I can finally get this show on the road and get to the fun part of my night. I continue slowly walking down the road and stifle my smile as Sullivan’s car slows to a crawl beside me and I hear the whir of his electric window as it opens.

“Hey,” he calls through the window. “Isn't it a bit late for a small thing like you to be wandering around alone?”

His voice is slick, like slime crawling down my spine, making me shiver in disgust. I hide it by pulling my jacket tight around me as if I’m warding off the cold, which isn’t too far from the truth considering I’m seriously close to freezing my fucking tits off. October in Northern England is no fucking joke.