Page 70 of Queen of Hell

I want to jump through the window and stab the cunt until the inside of his car is painted red with his blood but I don’t acknowledge him yet, keeping my head down as I continue walking.

“Hey, wait. I’m talking to you. What are you doing out here so late?”

I look up at him a couple of times, acting as if I’m thinking about stopping to talk to him, and his lips turn up in a smile just as slimy as his voice as he watches me make the decision. His car comes to a stop as I do, keeping me in his sight through the open window. I wrap my jacket tighter around me, keeping up my little-miss-innocent act as I turn towards the car, looking up from the floor slowly until my eyes meet his.

He flicks the overhead light on and I get my first proper look at him. His dark hair is slicked back; greasy. The overhead light shines like a spotlight on where he’s balding on top, bouncing off his scalp through the thinning strands as he leans towards the open window, and his eyes are a muddy brown, dull and unappealing, with a glint of something dangerous shining in them. There’s no mistaking that whatever he’s thinking would definitely end in death for anyone other than me.

The giggling starts up in my head as he leers at me, his eyes going up and down the parts of my body that he can see. His eyes flash with a hunger he quickly hides, covering it with a grin that’s probably supposed to look comforting, but just makes him look more fucking creepy. I swallow down the bile that threatens to rise in my throat at the thought of having to play this game with him, even just for a short while, and raise my lips slightly in a tentative smile.

“I’m just on my way home.” I say with a small shrug, “A group of us were at a friend's house drinking and our designated driver got wasted and crashed out.”

“So where are the rest of your friends? Surely at least one of them offered to leave with you so you weren’t out here walking all alone in the dark?”

The concern in his voice would probably sound genuine to a regular girl thatwasjust walking home alone in the dark after a night of drinking with her friends, but I know better, and as his vile voice hits my ears I can practically hear the plan taking form in his head.

“You’re kidding right,” I say with a small chuckle. “Those guys were wasted long before Suzy was. There was no way any of them would have made the walk even this far, let alone the rest of the way to mine.”

I catch the twitch of his lips as I finish, giving him just the opening he was looking for.

“Let me give you a ride the rest of the way, I’m headed in that direction anyway,” he says, turning his head to look out of the windscreen at the long road ahead of us before looking back at me with a shrug.

“I don’t know… I mean, you seem nice and all, but it’s not too far. I’m sure I’ll be fine,” I say, looking up the road myself and pulling my jacket tighter, screwing my face up in doubt as I look back through the window.

He leans over to push open the passenger door. It swings past me and a wave of heat comes through the open door, making me step forward again to warm my cold skin. It’s the exact reaction he was looking for and his smile grows.

“Look, it’s freezing out here and I’ll be able to get you back home in half the time it would take for you to walk. Come on, hop in.”

“Well… it is pretty cold. Are you sure you don’t mind? The turn off to my house isn’t too far up the road. You could always leave me there and be back on your way in no time,” I tell him, my voice full of fake gratefulness whilst I hope he turns down the offer of dropping me at the turn off and insists on taking me all the way.

“I’m not just going to leave you on the side of the road. No, I’ll take you all the way home. Just to make sure you get there safely,” he says and I smile. This guy’s making this way too easy. He’s just so predictable.

“Well, if you really don’t mind…” I say as I jump into the passenger seat and close the door, letting my jacket fall open to reveal the strip of bare skin between my jeans and top and watching as his eyes lock on to it. I clear my throat and his eyes fly to my face with another grin.

“Of course not, let’s get out of here, shall we?” He asks as he faces forward and starts driving.

He keeps casting his eyes my way, his arm resting in between the seats and inching closer to my thigh as we drive along the road. I have to close my eyes and take a deep breath to stop myself from breaking his fingers as they land on the bare skin in the rip on my upper thigh, stroking back and forth. I lean forward in my chair, shifting my leg to dislodge his hand as we near the small turn off leading into the woods and towards a death he has no idea is coming.

“Oh, there’s the turn just there,” I say pointing at a break in the trees.

He takes the turn off into the woods and his head moves from side to side as he takes in the dense foliage with a sinister grin.

“It’s pretty secluded out here. Do many people live this far from town?” He asks me as his hand once again lands on my thigh, the look on his face when I turn to face him is no longer one of concern. Instead I can practically feel the heat in his eyes as he looks at me and his grip gets tighter on my thigh the further we travel from the main road.

I take a quick glance at the side mirror and see that the road is now far enough behind us that it can no longer be seen.Perfect.

“Oh no. There’s no one this far into the forest except me,” I say, answering his question as the giggles get louder in my head as my hand dips into the pocket of my jacket.

“Is that so?” He asks as his grip tightens on my thigh hard enough that I know it will leave bruises and he starts to slow the car down.

“Yeah, that’s so,” I say with a nod, a huge grin on my face as I place my free hand on the one he has on my thigh. “I mean, it really wouldn’t do to have neighbours too close. What would happen if they heard all the pretty screams?”

I dig my nails into his flesh as a look of confusion crosses his face at my words before I pull my hand out of my pocket and lunge towards him. He tries to get away from me but my grip, as well as the seat belt he’s still wearing, restricts his movements and the needle slides smoothly into his neck.

I press the plunger down and pull the needle from his neck, leaning back into my seat with a savage smile. He doesn’t get the chance to try and fight back as the sedative gets to work. Before the confusion has even left his face he’s slumped in his seat out cold.

I need to get him the rest of the way to the house, so I lean in and unclip his belt before walking round to the driver's side. I lean his chair all the way back before walking back around the car, and opening the back door. I get in, hooking my arms under his shoulders to start pulling him into the back seat.

It takes a few minutes of dragging his heavy arse before I finally get him far enough in the back seat to drag his legs over. I get out, catching my breath before going back round, lifting the seat up and getting in to drive up to the house.