Page 50 of Queen of Hell

Emma looks from me to Poppy, and back again, the sly smirk still on her face.

“What’s your name, new girl?” She asks me as Samantha and Amanda laugh behind her.

I look between the three of them and stay silent. I would like nothing more than to tear them apart right here for what they’ve done to Poppy over the years, but this isn’t like with the guys last week. These three are nowhere near big enough to hide anything I may do from prying eyes.

“I asked you a question, new girl. What’s wrong with you? Can’t you speak or something?” She says as her mouth turns down in disgust. “Ugh, it doesn’t matter. You don’t need to say anything, you just need to listen,” she giggles as if she’s just said the funniest thing ever and her two little bimbo bots join in.

I tilt my head at the trio and lift my eyebrows, sweeping my arm in front of me to urge her to continue with whatever it is she wants to say, but I still don’t say a word. Emma turns her gaze from me, and her eyes narrow as they land on Poppy.

“You seem to have forgotten the rules, Poppy,” she sneers at her.

A low growl leaves my lips as I take a step to the side to block Poppy from her view, and Emma’s eyes fly back to mine at the movement as a smirk pulls at her lips.

“What’s this? Does the new girl want to protect you from us, Poppy?” She asks, not taking her eyes off me. “Youhavetold her how things are done here, haven’t you?”

The giggles start up in my head as she keeps that stupid smirk pointed in my direction and speaks to Poppy like she’s disgusted just by her presence.

“I mean, if I had my way you wouldn’t even be allowed in the communal spaces. We really shouldn’t be subjected to the displeasure of having to see your face whilst we’re trying to keep down food.”

I hear a small whimper come from Poppy at Emma’s words, and I know she caught it too when her eyes sparkle in triumph and her next words are directed to me.

“Take it from someone who actually matters in this place, new girl. If you want to get through this year you should really keep better company. Poppy Marks is not the type of person you want to be seen associating with.”

Nuh-uh I don’t fucking think so. It’s time to put this bitch in her fucking place. The giggles continue in my head as a growl leaves my lips at her words and a small smile touches my lips, getting wider as Emma's smile falls from her face.

“Listen, blow up Barbie. I’m going to assume that you haven’t spoken to Clay and that is the only reason you’ve come up to us today, so I’m going to give you and the bimbo bots a free pass to just walk back to your table like this never happened.”

See, I can be calm. On theoutsideanyway. On the inside I’m imagining all the ways I can separate her empty fucking head from her body for thinking she could try to come over here and disrespect Poppy in that way.

Amanda and Samantha gasp, and Emma’s eyes narrow on me at the mention of Clay’s name.

“What makes you think you can speak his name? You are a nobody here. Clay wouldn’t be seen dead anywhere near the likes of you. Of course I’ve spoken to him. What is that even supposed to mean?” She spits as she looks down at me. I catch the two girls behind her glance towards each other before looking back our way.Interesting. “We’re the kings and queens of this place. The elite. We decide what happens, and Poppy here is free game. Oh, and now,” she says, smiling at me cruelly, “so are you.”

I shake my head slightly and smile back at her.

“See, here’s the thing. I don’t think I like that idea,” I tell her, watching her eyes widen slightly as she realises I’m not playing the scared little girl she thought I would be. “I don’t like to bring attention to myself, but this little bitch brigade you have going on here,” I say with a frown, waving my hand in her direction, “is making thatreallydifficult for me right now, and that never usually ends well.”

“Kenz,” Poppy says quietly behind me, and I tilt my head to acknowledge I heard her without taking my eyes off the bitch in front of me.

“Oh, I know, Angel. Don’t worry, I’m still good,” I tell her, still smiling in Emma’s direction.

“Angel?” Emma asks with another cruel laugh and a look of disgust on her face. “What’s this then, Poppy? Have you decided to latch on to the only other freak to turn up here because you’ve finally realised no man would ever want to touch you? You really are pathetic,” she sneers in my direction, thinking she’s finally hit her mark and upset me as she watches my smile drop.

And, as I hear Poppy’s pained gasp behind me, she has. She really has. Just not in the way that she thinks.Just don’t fucking kill them, Kenz, I tell myself as the giggles get louder in my head at her disgusting words, something that I have no doubt Poppy has been subjected to for a very long time.What the fuck is wrong with people? I feel the tension coil in my shoulders as I clench my fists at my sides in an effort to stay calm. But there is no way I’m going to stand by and let her talk to Poppy like that.

“Nuh uh, I don’t think so. Firstly, what, or who, Poppy chooses to do is none of your fucking business, bitch. Who the fuck do you think you are trying to shame her for that? Secondly, I’ve got it on very good authority that men you willneverbe good enough for would very much like to touch her. You see, Poppy is not only gorgeous, she also has something you don’t. She has a heart of pure light that, despite what you entitled little cunts have done to her over the years, still shines brightly from within her, and that gives her more beauty and grace than any plastic surgery or etiquette classes would ever be able to give you. No matter how much of daddy’s money you waste,” I say, looking her up and down as I hear another gasp come from Poppy.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? You can’t talk to me like that,” Emma snarls at me.

“You really don’t want to know anything about me, Barbie, trust me on that. You don’t want to find out just how much of a freak I really am,” I say as I smile once again.

At the edge of my vision I see the doors swing open and the Crew walk in, casting their gazes over the room as they do every time they come in here. I refuse to take my eyes off the women in front of me, so I don’t see their reactions when they notice us, but they start to make their way over to the table.

The guys step up behind Emma and her friends, effectively blocking the view from everyone else around us, but the idiots haven’t noticed them yet and I let a giggle slip past my lips.

“What the fuck are you laughing at, bitch?” Emma spits at me.

“What is going on here, Emma?” Clay asks her, and I smile when I see her flinch at the sound of his voice. She throws me a nasty look before spinning on her heels to face him.