Page 49 of Queen of Hell

“The house is the only place to have any sort of conversation without being overheard, and you know it, Kenz,” I hear him sigh before he continues, slightly softer this time. “You know I wouldn’t suggest it if there were any other way.”

I let out an exaggerated groan that makes Xave chuckle through the phone. I know he’s right, and my playroom idea is looking better every second.

“Okay, okay, you’re right, but we do this my way,” I tell him with a smile. “We’ll be having our little chat in the playroom.”

“That’s my girl,” he says with another chuckle. “The playroom it is. Oh, and make sure you bring Poppy with you,” he says quickly.

I look over at Poppy and then pull my phone away from my ear staring at it in disgust, sure I didn’t just hear that ridiculous statement come through the line.

“Still there, baby?” I hear him say as I put the phone back to my ear.

“Yeah, I’m still here, but I think my phone is glitchy. I could have sworn you just told me to bring Poppy with me to the house where I plan to try and talk to the man I also want to watch bleed out in front of me,” I growl at him.

“I did.”

That’s it. That’s all he says. No explanation as to why, just ‘I did’.

“Now why thefuckwould I do that, Xave?” I ask him, getting angrier by the second. “It’s way too risky to have her there with all of them, dumbass. What if it all goes to shit, huh? How the fuck am I supposed to do what I need to if I’m worrying about her getting hurt? No,” I growl down the phone at him. “Not fucking happening. She stays here.”

What the fuck is he thinking? Poppy notices my agitation and slips her hand into my free one, giving it a little squeeze to try and keep me calm. I don’t have to wait long for him to answer my unasked question.

“I need you to trust me on this, Kenz, just make sure to bring her,” he says calmly, paying no attention to the anger in my tone. “She’ll be safest at the house, and I promise I'll explain everything.”

“Fine,” I huff out, my shoulders slumping in resignation. “I’ll speak to the fucking goon squad and bring them to the house tonight.”

“With. Poppy,” he says and I huff out another breath as he chuckles.

“Okay, yes. With Poppy. But I swear, if anything happens to her, and I meananything, she even so much as stubs her fucking toe, and we’re going to have a fucking problem,” I say as I shake my head slightly.

“Good girl. I’ve still got a few things to sort out, but we'll talk when you get to the house, okay?” The phone goes dead before I can say anything more, and I pull it from my ear and look at it for a second. I swear, no one but fucking Xave could get away with something like that.

“Fucking arsehole,” I growl out as I slip the phone back into my pocket.

“What’s wrong, Kenz?” Poppy asks as I look up at her. “What did Xave say, is there anything new?”

“Well, as soon as I find Clay we’ll be leaving to go to the house that I bought here so that we can have this little chat he so badly wants,” I tell her, squeezing her hand. “And you are coming with me.”

“W-what?” Her face pales as she grips onto my hand so hard I’m sure if I looked down at our joined hands her knuckles would be white.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about, Angel,” I tell her as I rub my thumb across her hand. “Xave says you need to be there, and that the house is the safest place for you, so that’s what we’ll do.” I take her chin with my free hand and hold her steady, peering into her eyes so she can see the seriousness of my next words. “But you will do exactly what I tell you to, as soon as I tell you to do it. If anything doesn’t go the way Xave seems to think it will, I can’t be distracted by the thought of you being hurt.”

“Okay,” she says as she swallows hard and gives a small nod of her head.

“Okay,” I let go of her chin and give her hand another squeeze.

I lift my head and search for the four men that have been so desperate to get my attention, not finding them anywhere as I cast my gaze across the room.

Clay and his friends have kept their word. Although I’ve seen them around this week they haven’t come anywhere near us in four days. It’s been a nice reprieve, and it means that I’m not as stabby as I was this time last week.

Which is a very good thing for Emma Montgomery and her two friends when I catch her staring over at us. She sneers at me as I catch her gaze and then she says something to the others before they all stand from their seats.

I watch them as they make their way over to our table. Emma has a sly smile on her face as she looks at me, whispering something to the other two as they continue to come closer. I tilt my head at her and give it a small shake, silently telling her she really shouldn’t continue with what she has planned. She stops for a second before sneering at me and making her way towards us once more.

I drop my hand to Poppy’s thigh and give it a small squeeze in warning of what could happen.

“You are to stay right there and do not move, Angel,” I tell her as the bitch brigade gets closer. She looks up and notices where my gaze is locked, giving me a small nod.

“No killing, Kenz,” she says as I squeeze her thigh once more before releasing her and standing up, making my way around to the other side of the table to keep them further from Poppy.