Page 2 of Queen of Hell

Now there’s this shower.

The screams in my head stop and there is nothing but silence. The nothing was not me falling unconscious. I don’t know how I know this, I just know the truth of the statement like I know I need air to breathe. I try to figure out what happened next and the murmurs start up again, becoming louder as I struggle to bypass the block in my mind. And then I feel what’s different. There is now a darkness swirling inside my mind. One that very much wants to come out and… Play? It wants to rend, and tear, and destroy until the whole world is just as bloody and broken as I am now.

At the realisation, the unintelligible murmurs inside my head suddenly transform into a girl’s voice that sounds like mine but it’s not. It’s more childlike, soft, it's the same voice I heard before. It starts as quiet giggles, quickly getting louder until suddenly cutting out. Then it starts to speak, this eerie, not mine voice, telling me everything I can’t remember in just a handful of words.

“We killed the bad men, we’ll kill all the bad men. They will all pay.”



Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I make my way through a back alley in one of the most run-down areas of the city, keeping my noise down and my breathing even. It’s not as hard as it might seem, even though I’m not prepared for the complete and utter fucking shit show that my night has turned into. I mean, come the fuck on! I just wanted to get drunk and dance tonight, and maybe get laid, on my last free night before I head off to WinterHill University. Living in a dorm at some stuffy university isn’t how I would like to spend the next year of my life, but it’s the best university in the UK and my best option to get me the hell out of here.

I send up a silent curse to the universe or whatever gods decided fucking up my Friday night would be a fun thing to do.Fucking bastard, cunt waffle, twat sucking, motherfucking son of a cheap whore!

I would scream it to the heavens if I could, because it’s not fucking fair, but I have to stay silent for now in order to take care of the two dumb arseholes that have been following me towards the abandoned industrial area.

I'm pretty certain they have no idea what they signed up for when they took this job on. If they knew just who they were going after they would have tried to end this sooner. They would have tried to take me out before there was any chance of me catching on to the fact that they were there. Although there never would have been any chance of menotnoticing the two football hooligan looking thugs that, even now, are still following me.

What the fuckarethey doing?I wonder to myself. They are your typical huge, mean-looking men with bald heads, huge muscles, covered in tattoos, and wearing jackets that don't quite hide the bulge of their guns in the holsters underneath. It’s obvious they’re professionals, from an outside perspective, between the pair of them they should have no trouble finishing whatever job they were sent here to do.

Not that I’m going to let that happen, of course.

I roll my eyes, wondering why it is that the big, mean bastards never see me as a threat. It could havesomethingto do with the fact I'm a woman, or that I'm only 5 feet tall. I mean, it's pretty misogynistic really, some of the deadliest creatures are the smallest females. Take the Black Widow spider, not only can her venom cause its victims indescribable pain for daysdespiteher size, but she also kills and eats the male after mating.Ugh, I fucking hate spiders, creepy little shits with a million legs just waiting to jump out at you when you least expect it.

As soon as anyone sees me, they either don't believe the words spoken in whispers about me are true, or they don't believe I'm the person the whispers are actually about. Maybe it has something to do with my candy floss pink hair that reaches down to my waist in soft waves, which combined with my icy blue eyes and height, makes me look like a life-sized fairy. Or it could be the fact that tonight, I look just like every other girl out for a night on the town in a sequined bodycon mini dress and 5-inch stiletto heels.

People really do love to underestimate me, and I enjoy letting them. It makes it all the sweeter when they finally realise their life is mine to play with and they see their death reflected in my eyes.

I shake myself out of my thoughts as I realise it's almost time to put an end to whatever their plans are as I reach my destination. I slip around the last corner into another alley and then through the doorway on my right, silently locking it behind me and quickly slipping my feet out of the stilettos and into a pair of trainers so they can no longer hear the click-clack of my heeled footsteps.

Whyare there a pair of trainers in my exact size just placed inside the door of a warehouse? Well, this one belongs to me. Only one other person knows it's mine. It's where I do my messiest work and the people I bring here never make it out alive to tell the tale.

The alley is a dead end, so there's nowhere for the two stooges to go. I laugh quietly to myself as I wonder what they'll think when they reach the end and realise I'm not there. The wall at the end is at least twelve feet high, with nothing to grab onto to help you climb it and nowhere to hide.

I instantly make my way around the room in the dark until I reach the secret hatch where I store a few of my toys. I grab two knives out of the box and then stick my small clutch bag into the hatch to keep it safe until I need my phone. The knives are not my favourites,thoseI had to leave at home tonight, but they would do for what I've got planned.

I stick the knives into the belt of my dress and make my way back to the door silently, just in time to see them walk past. I give them a minute to get further down the alley before I make my way outside and the roles are reversed, I'm now stalking dumb and dumber. There's still a good hundred feet until the end of the alley and it's dark as hell here so they won't be able to tell that I'm no longer in front of them until it's too late.

With measured footsteps I make my way down the alley and, keeping myself close to the wall and deep in the shadows, I follow until they are about ten feet from the dead end. I need to make this quick, so I won’t have time to play with the both of them.

I pull the knives from my belt and throw one at one of the thugs, feeling my lips lift in a smirk as I hear it hit its target and watch as the man falls to the ground with a gurgled scream, the hilt of my knife sticking out of the back of his neck.

The second thug turns at the thud to see his buddy on the floor bleeding out so prettily, and before he can pull the gun from his holster I've let the second knife fly from my hand and I'm running towards him as it embeds itself in his shoulder.

This one I need alive just long enough to find out who sent them after me so as I near him I leap, landing my feet straight into his chest and knocking him back to smash his head into the wall behind him. I land in a crouch and watch him slump down the wall with his eyes closed as I pull my knife out of the dead guy's neck beside me.

I make my way towards him watching him for any signs of consciousness, the last thing I need right now is to get shot because I wasn't paying enough attention. I can't turn up tomorrow with a gunshot wound, that wouldnotbe a good first impression. He doesn't move or open his eyes.

Shit, I hope I didn't just smash his head like an overripe melon and make him completely useless to me.

I crouch down next to him and slowly reach for the gun at his waist, quickly ejecting the magazine and chambered bullet before chucking it back towards the dead guy so it's out of the way then move my fingers towards his neck to check his pulse, all while keeping my eyes on his face for even the slightest bit of movement. I feel his pulse thumping nice and strong under my fingertips and smile. I still get to play and ask my questions after all.

I pull the belt from my dress and slice it into two pieces, quickly gagging him with one and tying his wrists with the other. I go to pull the knife out of his shoulder but decide to leave it in there, for now. I don't want to chance him regaining consciousness until I have him right where I want him. I grab him by his feet and start dragging him back up the alley. It’s a fucking struggle, the guy’s huge, but I don't have to go far before I reach the door that will lead me into the back of my warehouse and the corridor leading to my playroom.

The lights are dim back here but I can see the trail of blood I'm leaving behind as I drag this arsehole down the corridor. I'm going to have to call a fucking cleaner because there's no way I'll have time to sort this mess out. The thought pisses me off even more and I decide that I'll be taking my frustrations over it out on this piece of shit. It is his fucking blood after all.