Page 3 of Queen of Hell

I finally get him into the room, pull him towards the back where all the fun stuff is. I drop his legs and immediately attach two chains to his ankles, then I untie his wrists and attach chains to those too. I stand up and move back, pressing the button that hangs by my head. The chains attached to his wrists start moving to lift the guy by his arms until he's on his knees with his arms pulled up and his head hanging.

Perfect. I'm really not in the mood to look up constantly while I'm doing this tonight, and having him on his knees like this puts him in the perfect position so I won't have to. I grab a knife off a nearby metal trolley to cut his jacket off, then I attach a couple of metal restraints across the back of his calves so there will be no chance of him jumping up and trying to get to me when he finally wakes. Then pull up a chair in front of him.

I leave him there for now and make my way back towards the front of the warehouse to grab my phone out of the secret hatch. I pull up my contact list and scroll down to the only cleaner I trust in this city not to rat me out to any of my enemies. I press the call button and only have to wait seconds before the call connects.

"Hey baby, did you finally decide to take me up on my offer of rocking your world before you take off and leave us all behind?" He drawls. His voice is a deep rasp, like he just woke up, but I know I haven't woken him.

Xavier Ambrose, also known as my oldest friend and the only person I trust, is the best cleaner in the city and can get rid of absolutely anything for the right price.

"Come on, Xave, do you have to answer like that when I call?Seriously?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Ahh, Kenz. Come on baby," he replies. "You know we'd be explosive together. You should give in to the chemistry between us and let me show you what you've been missing."

"Ugh, you're a total sleaze. You know that, right?" I laugh. "This is strictly a business call, dumbass. Get your mind out of the gutter and into the game."

Don't get me wrong, Xavier is only three years older than me and over six feet of pure muscled hotness, tattoos that cover his arms and upper chest, his curly hair cropped short, a permanent five o'clock shadow and green eyes so dark they remind me of the inside of a forest. He's also the only person I have ever been able to count on, and has never judged me, or my brand of crazy.

But sex always changes things, and Xavier is my best friend. I could never jeopardise our friendship in that way and, no matter what Xave says, I know he wouldn't either. He helped put me back together. He held me and comforted me while I cried over my loss, and cleaned up after me when I let my demons loose in order to numb the pain and the rage.

Xavier chuckles, "Okay, okay, Kenz. What do you need from me?"

I pull my phone from my ear to check the time and groan when I see that it's close to one am. Shit! I seriously need to get a move on if I want to get any sleep before my journey in the morning. It's a five-hour drive to WinterHill University and although it's the weekend and school doesn't start until Monday, I need some time to unpack and check the place out.

"I'm going to need a clean-up at the warehouse in a couple of hours. Couple of big motherfuckers," I tell him.

"And why are you calling me in advance for this clean-up, Kenz?" He asks. "You usually call me after the job is done. Anyway, I thought you were out at a club tonight?"

"Yeah, well. My night didn't exactly go to plan," I explain. "I had to leave the club when Tweedledee and Tweedledumber thought I wouldn't realise they were after me. I didn't have any toys on me, so I had to lead them to the warehouse. One's already dead in the back end of the alley, but I'm waiting for the other to wake up in the playroom so I can get some answers on what they were hoping to achieve. I thought it would save some time if I called to get the clean-up sorted while I was waiting. You know, what with the drive to WinterHill and everything else I've got to get done before Monday."

"Jesus Kenz, you just left him in the playroom? He's gonna wake up believing he's already in hell! Hundred quid says he pisses himself when he wakes up in there!" Xave laughs. "Right, I'll send the clean-up in two hours. Will that be long enough for you to get the answers you need? I'll check them out too. See if I can find anything about them or their employers that'll help."

"Thanks, Xave. Two hours is good, just make sure you lock up when you're done, I’m hoping to be gone by the time you get here."

"Sure thing, Kenz. I'll text you when it's done."

With that, Xave cuts the call and I grab my bag and make my way back towards the playroom to see if my new friend is awake. I look through the door and see that he's still dangling where I left him, head slumped and the knife still sticking out of his shoulder.

I walk through the playroom placing my bag and phone on a trolley as I pass. I reach the chair and sit down, watching for the slightest bit of movement, and all I see is the rise and fall of his breaths. As I continue to watch him, I feel a familiar calmness start to wash over me as the giggling starts up in my head and I sink into the void where my demons live.

Time to wake up.I lean forward and grab the hilt of the knife. I yank it out, twisting it slightly to make sure the pain wakes him up, and feel my lips lift into a smile as he jerks awake and his scream fills my ears.

"What the fuck is this?" He says with a sneer. He tries to stand, no doubt thinking he can still overpower me. When he can't, he looks back and sees the restraints around his legs. Seeing there's no way he's getting up, he whips his head back around and starts trying to yank on the chains holding him up by his wrists.

I lean back and watch him, waiting for him to finally turn his attention towards me. When he does, he tries not to react to what he sees, but I catch the small look of surprise at seeing me before he instantly shuts it down.

I take a minute to look at his face. It's a face that's seen a lot of action. He's got a scar that travels down the right side of his forehead, cutting a line through his eyebrow and the corner of his eye making it droop slightly. There's another deep scar cutting through his left cheek, and his nose looks like it's been broken more than a few times. With thin lips and muddy brown eyes, he is one ugly motherfucker.

"Who sent you?" I ask him, wondering if he'll make it easy and just spill his guts before I literallyspill his guts. He looks at me and tilts his head. "Who sent you?" I repeat, just in case he's a little bit deaf from too many hits to his thick skull.

He frowns at me, trying to intimidate me from his position on the floor, and spits on my trainers.

"Fucking neanderthal," I sneer at him. Spitting is just gross,and it's on my fucking trainers.I feel rage overtake me. I jump up and kick him, aiming straight for his dick with my spit-covered shoe, and smile as the giggles in my head get louder and I watch the look of pain on his face when it lands. He tries to double over to protect himself, but it's impossible with how his arms are chained and suspended.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, willing the rage to recede just a little so I can get what I need from this arsehole before I watch his blood run free.

"Let's try this again," I say as I open my eyes and let him see the demons that reside inside me. "You are in no position to accomplish whatever it was you were sent here to do, youronlyoption here is to answer my questions." I raise my eyebrows and look down my nose at him. "Do you haveanyidea who I am?"

He frowns and studies me like I'm a puzzle that he can't seem to put together right, despite all the pieces being in front of him, but still doesn't answer my question.