Page 19 of Queen of Hell

“Mate, you can’t even fucking catch me, how the fuck do you think you’ll ever be able to keep me, let alone break me?” I scoff. “If I had my way, the both of you would be bleeding out in the middle of this ring and I would be dancing around your dead pervert bodies. But, unfortunately for me, I have to play by the rules if I want to come back and play some more.” I pout like I’ve just been told that I can’t have ice cream before my dinner, sticking my bottom lip out, and then he’s rushing at me for the final time.

I crack a grin as I watch him get closer and I run forward, jumping and aiming my feet for his kneecap. I hear a loud pop as I connect and then he’s making the sweetest sounds as he drops to the floor next to the first guy. I look at him as I get to my feet and smile as I see his leg pointing the wrong way.

The first guy can no longer see, and the second can no longer stand. I can’t kill them so, for me, the fight is over. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I listen to them both screaming, my demons quieting at the sound. I open my eyes, smiling, and start to make my way out of the ring.

I see the Crew making their way around the ring to where I am. I am not in the mood for them right now, so I ignore their progress and try to find the owner to collect my money. I scan the crowd but don’t see him.Fucking arseholes are never where you need them to be. I think to myself as I scan the crowd for him again.

“Who the fuck are you?”

The voice comes from behind me, but I don’t need to turn around to know who it came from. ThemotherfuckingCrew. I turn around and see that all four of them are looking at me with matching scowls on their faces. Fuck, I really don’t need this. My only saving grace is that I have still got my mask on, so they can’t see my face.

“Sorry boys. If they were your daddies, then they deserved a lot more than the quick beating I gave them. They really got off lightly,” I say, my voice laced with sarcasm.

Wyatt starts to laugh, and I see Elijah elbow him in the ribs to shut him up.

“Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?” Clay says to me again.

I look up at him.

“Well now, sweetness, that right there is none of your fucking business. Do none of the arseholes in this middle of bum fuck nowhere town know how to speak to the opposite sex?” I turn and take a step to walk away but don’t get very far when one of them grabs my arm to stop me.

The giggles start up in my head and I turn and look at the hand on my arm, slowly moving my gaze up the arm to see which one of these idiots wants to lose their hand. I’m not surprised when I look into Clay’s furious face.

“I don’t know who taught you it was okay to touch a woman without their consent,” I say to him looking him dead in the eyes, “but if you don’t want to end up like the two guys in the ring, then you had better let me the fuck go.”

His hand flinches and squeezes my arm before he lets go. The other three surround me so I’m boxed in.

“You’re not going anywhere until you tell us who you are, and what the fuck you’re doing here,” he tells me.

I put my hands on my hips and turn in a circle looking at each of them. It’s the first time I am seeing them up close, and they are all gorgeous. Fucking Greek God type of gorgeous. All of them are over six feet, towering over me.

I thought Clay was impressive when I saw him from across the ring. He has a t-shirt on now, his tattoos poking out the sleeves. His light blonde hair that reaches his shoulders is swept back from his face. His blue eyes are just as dark as I remember them, always reminding me of a storm. But he also looks different, and not just in the way he has grown over the last six years. He looks harder somehow, darker. There’s so much anger radiating from him I can practically taste it.

Wyatt is looking at me with a smirk on his face that shows a dimple in his right cheek, his light green eyes sparkling with mischief. His brown hair is short on the sides but longer on top causing a bit at the front to fall forward as he looks down at me. He’s lean but I can see the definition of his muscles underneath his tight shirt.

Rafael is like an Adonis. He is huge, his t-shirt and open leather jacket unable to hide his muscles. His dark raven coloured hair is long but he has it tied at the nape of his neck. His eyes are also green, but darker like emeralds. His mouth is pressed in a thin line while he looks at me, assessing me, the way I am assessing them.

Elijah looks completely uninterested while never taking his dark brown eyes off of me. His tight curly hair is short like Xave’s, and he pushes his glasses up his nose before crossing his arms over his lean jumper covered chest.

Being surrounded by them is making me think of other, more fun things I could be doing instead.Down bitch,they’re arseholes. I tell my traitorous vagina as I turn back to Clay, looking up at him once more.

“Well, I would have thought that was obvious. What I’m doinghereis fighting, and I already told you thatwho I amhas nothing to do with you.”

“That is where you’re wrong,” he says as he starts to lean towards me. “Who you are is very much our business when you are the new chick atour university.” The last bit is said right next to my head, his breath blowing against my ear making me shiver. He goes to laugh at my reaction and breathes in through his nose, jerking back from me suddenly. He looks at me and tilts his head, before shaking it and taking a deep breath.

“It seems to me that you already know exactly who I am,” I say, brushing off my reaction to him being so close. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have places I’d much rather be than here with you arseholes.” Instead of stepping back and letting me out, they all take a step towards me so that there is nowhere for me to go.

“That’s not good enough, new girl. What’s your name?” Rafael says from behind me.

I turn to face him and look up at him with a smile.

“Now, now, pretty boy,” I say as I turn and lift my hand to pat him on his chest a couple of times. “As I have no interest in knowing or speaking to any of you, I can’t see any reason that you would need to know my name.” He looks at me and his emerald eyes sparkle with the challenge, but before he can say anything else I spin back round to face Clay once again and sigh.

“This routine may work on the other lemmings in that university, but I can assure you it won’t work on me,” I tell him as I shake my head. “Look, I don’t want to hurt any of you. I’ve already sated my bloodlust for tonight, but don’t think that you can continue to try and intimidate me and I will just stand here and take it. I’m starting to get pissed, andthatwill not end well for any of you.”

Wyatt starts laughing at my left, so I turn my head to look at him.

“What, exactly, do you think you could do to the four of us, fairy girl? You’re tiny compared to us. We could take you out of here and do whatever we wanted to you, and nobody would stop us.”