Page 10 of Never Settle

He shook his head slowly, skating his hand up her calf, working the knots out of each spot as he went, somehow managing to create a whole new kind of tension in her core. “I’m not a professional, sweetheart.”

“No?”Breathe in. Breathe out.

“I’m a talented amateur. At least I like to think I’m talented.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “You’re talented. And I’d like a massage.”

Will set her foot on the sand next to the other one. “Those shoes are going to wreck your feet.”

“I’m short.”

He rose to stand and brushed the sand off his pants. “I can think of some ways that can be a real advantage.”

Oh come on. I’m only human.“I think I’d like to hear about those ways.”

Will wrapped an arm around her waist and ushered her down the beach toward her place. “I can’t tell you about them.”

“No?” Disappointed, and a little confused, she pouted. “Oh well. I guess I’ll never know.”

His hand slid up her back to her hair. “I can’t tell you. But I can show you.” A quick yank freed her hair from its ponytail. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.” Her scalp tingled with the release. “You need to let loose.”

“I do,” she agreed. “Want to help me?”

“Nothing I’d like to do more.” He bent toward her, lips a whisper away. “Want to start tonight?”

She opened her mouth—to reply, to kiss him—but a pathetic moan echoed from behind them, and they jerked apart.Oh damn.“We forgot Earl.”

He shrugged. “He’s above the high-tide line.”

“Will! You’re a really terrible friend.”

“Yeah. Probably. But better than he deserves.”

She studied his face to see if he was joking but saw no signs of humor in his tight mouth and furrowed brow. “He seems okay to me. A little pushy, but some might say the same about you.”

“He is okay. As a friend.”

Arabella waited, but he said nothing else, so she nudged. “What are you not saying? That he’s no good in the sack? I should have sex with you instead because you’re better at it?” All the easy, smooth eroticism of their moments under the moon evaporated, and her headache returned with pounding enthusiasm. Even her toes tightened again.

He shook his head. “No. From what the women he slept with once and tossed aside reported back when we worked together, he’s actually pretty good. If that’s what you’re going for, he might be your man. I’ve heard him described as athletic, flexible, and ‘a real stud muffin.’”

“Quite the recommendation.” Probably put him out of her class in sheer technique, too. “You worked together? But he’s an attorney.”

He shrugged. “Long time ago. We’ve both changed since then.”

Must have been in college or something. “So he’s a real love ’em and leave ’em type. In the extreme if he only ever goes to bed with someone once.”

“Sometimes twice.”

The breeze kicked up, blowing her hair in front of her face. When she’d managed to get it out of her mouth, she continued. “Is that why you got him drunk? To keep him from seducing me and walking away? I thought you liked me yourself. You could have told me.”

Another moan, but this time they ignored it.

“I am starting to realize I behaved badly. I’ll have to apologize to Earl tomorrow. For now, I’d better go back and get him.”

“And my shoes.”

“And your shoes.” They turned and trudged back in the direction they’d come. “And for the record, I do like you. Very much. I didn’t want Earl to hurt you, but I was afraid if he laid a hand on you, I might hurt him myself.”