Page 11 of Never Settle

“For hurting me?”

“For touching you.”

They came up alongside the blond man lying in the sand, eyes open now, and Will bent to haul him to his feet. “Come on, buddy. Let’s pour you into bed. You’re probably going to be off rum for a while after tonight.”

“Need more tequila,” he muttered. “Lesh go to the bar.”

“Bar’s closed, Earl. You’re going home to sleep it off.” Will succeeded in getting him upright and shuffling along. “Got your sandals, Bella?”

“Yes.” She scooped them up and dangled them at her side, thoughtful. Will and his swaying friend moved out, and she followed. Nothing that happened between them this week could lead to more. She was an executive in the city, Will, a bartender and amateur masseuse who probably seduced a visitor every week or two with his charm and amazing physique. The thought of his applying those magic hands to someone else made her so angry, she refused to think about it. But he was perfect for a vacation fling.

Like she’d thought of Earl. But, she could walk away from Earl without looking back. Will had occupied her thoughts for days before she’d even exchanged a word with him. Perhaps she should reconsider. She’d had casual dating relationships but never slept with someone with an end date to the whole thing. And never reacted so strongly to another man’s touch.

She might be in danger here.

Trailing after Will and Earl’s zigzag path down the beach, she fought an internal battle. Of her three options, Will, Earl, and solitude, only two remained. Even if she’d been able to consider sleeping with Earl after meeting Will, she didn’t want someone for a night. No matter his skill at the erotic arts, she had no time for who treated women like toilet paper. Unless Will had lied about him?

No. She’d seen no signs of dishonesty in his expression or body language. And she hadn’t come so far in business without recognizing a liar. God, she wanted to go back to work. A personal life was far too much trouble.

As Hibiscus Cottage came into sight, she had not arrived at a decision. Maybe she’d flip a coin.

Heads, Will. Tails, no Will.

No Will.Eleven more days of running and staring into space. Except now she’d be doing it while trying to avoid both men.

“Okay, here you go.” He propped Earl on the white picket fence surrounding her patio. “Say good night, Earl.”

“No, I’m spending the night,” the blond man protested, awake again. “She promised.”

Will arched a brow. “True story, Bella?”

She shook her head slowly from side to side. “No. And even if I had, I think his current condition would preempt those plans. Sorry, Earl. Go home and sleep it off.”

“Tomorrow, then?” He stumbled free and held out his arms. “How about a kiss good night?”

She tried not to grimace, but from Will’s broad grin, she failed. “Answer a question for me, first.”

“Shureee.” He frowned, eyes bleary and blinking.

“Is it true you sleep with women once and then never call again?”

He smirked then. “Not you, Arabellie.”


“Nah, I’d do you two or three times. You’re a real hot chick.”

Will chuckled and grabbed his arm. “Alcohol, the honesty drug. Night, Bella.”

“Night, guys.” They stumbled away into the distance before she thought of something. “Will?” she called.

He turned, nearly letting his blitzed buddy fall to the sand again. “Yeah?”

“Want to run with me in the morning?”

“See you at seven?”

“Perfect.” They’d have a good run, then who knew? Choices didn’t have to be hard.