Page 94 of Waves of Hope



Charlotte awoke, startled to discover where she was, and then smiling, she reached over and touched Shane. He turned to her and pulled her closer.

“Morning, mermaid,” he said softly. “You know, I really did dream of you as a mermaid when I was knocked unconscious.”

She nestled against him, liking the idea of being his special sea creature.

“After the meeting with Jed, you’re going back to the Inn?” he asked.

“Yes. With your father and his family coming to the Inn, I want to make sure everything is in order. We’re still doing some renovations.”

“I understand. Granny Liz is disappointed they’re not staying with her, but as long as Austin and I are there, there isn’t enough room for them in her house.” He clasped her face in his hands and studied her. “Do you know how much I’m going to miss you?”

His lips met hers, and for several moments Charlotte allowed herself to pretend this is how it would be every morning if they were married.

When they pulled apart, Shane said, “C’mon, shower time. I don’t want to be late for the meeting with Jed. I have a full day scheduled.”


Later, Shane, Jed, and Charlotte sat in the conference room in Shane’s office going over the website designs she’d set up for them to study. She had a clear favorite in her mind, but she’d learned that clients sometimes had different ideas, and she had to respect their choices.

“Which one do you like best?” Jed asked her.

She brought up the simpler one with kids of all sizes, shapes, and backgrounds. “To me, this is the easiest to navigate. We just need to be sure that all these lines of communication remain open. With fraudulent sites out there, ours must never be confused with them. Also, this simple arrangement makes it easy for you to see what is working and what isn’t.”

“It could be fancier, but I see your point,” Jed said.

“But it’s easier for people who don’t know English that well,” Shane added.

“Okay, now let’s talk about brochures and other methods to reach those who might need you,” said Charlotte. She’d drawn up a list of suggestions to make it easier to discuss.

It was almost noon when they were nearing the completion of their meeting. Instead of going out for lunch, Sarita ordered food brought in for them.

As soon as Shane finished his sandwich, he got to his feet. “Sorry to rush out of here, but I have another meeting. See you in a couple of days, Charlie. See you later, Jed.”

He leaned down and kissed Charlotte. “Love you,” he whispered. “Have a safe drive home.”

She smiled up at him. “Thanks. Love you, too.”

After Shane left, Jed let out a slow, soft whistle. “You two are so hot together.”

“I know.” Charlotte’s chuckle was almost a girlish giggle.

Jed studied her. “I’m pleased for Shane that you’re in his life.”

“Once we could finally admit how we felt, it all came together quickly,” said Charlotte.

“And now you’ve met his mother,” Jed said. “How did that go? Was she her bitchy self?”

Charlotte frowned. “She’s not a nice person. She takes pleasure in putting down others. I suspect the “nerve pills” Austin told me she takes are more than that.”

“Yeah, me too,” said Jed.

“What’s Shane’s father like?” Charlotte asked, nervous at the thought of their upcoming meeting with him.

“His dad is really nice,” said Jed. “You’ll like him. His wife too. Shane and I almost set up an office in Atlanta but decided we liked Florida living better.”