Page 93 of Waves of Hope

“Maybe not,” she said honestly. “Until things are more settled, I won’t know. Remember when you suggested I could set up my own consulting business in Florida? I’ve been thinking about it. I want to help Gran, but I also want to keep my independence. I think I could do both by having my own business.”

“Interesting,” said Shane. “But you wouldn’t necessarily have to set up your business on the Gulf Coast, would you?”

“No,” she took a sip of wine, feeling she’d said as much as she wanted. “Things are still up in the air. A lot will depend on what Livy and Brooke decide to do and if Gran and John decide to sell.”

“There’s a lot to think of,” Shane said, setting down his glass and cupping her cheek with his strong hand. “But there’s one thing I’m sure of. I want you in my life. I know we need to take time to let things unwind. There’s been a lot going on. But I mean it when I say I want you with me.”

His lips met hers in a tender kiss that quickly heated.

She responded. His kiss carried Charlotte to a place in her mind where she felt safe and loved, even cherished.

When they pulled apart, Shane smiled at her with such tenderness her breath caught.

“Charlie, it was such a lucky day when I saw you on the beach with your cousins.”

She couldn’t resist teasing. “Even luckier when I saved you.” Her eyes filled with tears, catching her off guard. “I was so scared when I saw you floating face down in the water.”

He pulled her to him. “Do you believe that things happen for a reason?”

“I do.” She studied him. “I think we’re meant to be together, and that’s why things are happening fast.”

“That could be,” said Shane. “I just know it feels right.” He kissed her again, this time with a need she recognized.

As their wine warmed on the table, they stretched out on the couch, getting to know each other better. And later, when they emerged from the bedroom, Charlotte didn’t care that she’d never had the chance to show Shane her new purchases.