Page 89 of Waves of Hope

“What could you do about it?” Charlotte asked, sympathetic to Granny Liz.

“Nothing. And then, right after Austin was born, things got better between them. Diana adored that little boy as much as she resented Shane. Diana’s a terrible mother.” Granny Liz sat back and took a sip of the white wine. “For Henry’s sake and the sake of the boys, I’ve tried to be civil to her to keep the peace. But she knows after some of her actions that I’ll never be able to fully trust her again.”

“After lashing out at Shane in her particular way, Diana told us that she does that because Shane is so much like his father, and she could never love anyone as much as Henry,” said Charlotte. “How can that be after all the fighting?”

“Diana might have the money and position in society she wanted, but she didn’t find real love with Ricardo or anyone else. No one will ever suit her, not even Henry. Thank goodness, he’s happily married to such a pleasant, gracious woman. They and their two kids are coming next week. That’s why I wanted you to know the story behind Henry and Diana before Henry’s visit.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.”

Granny Liz’s eyes grew watery. She lifted Charlotte’s hand and squeezed it. “You and Shane have made us … me … so happy. You’re perfect together, and I’ve never seen him happier.”

“Us?” Charlotte said, her suspicions aroused.

“Oh, okay,” said Granny Liz. “Ellie and me. It’s no secret that we hoped this summer would bring you two together.”

Charlotte shook her head.Was anything worse than meddling grandmothers?

Granny Liz raised a finger to her lips. “Don’t mention it to anyone else. OK?”

Charlotte chuckled. “I won’t. But your plans might not work, you know.”

“I do,” said Granny Liz seriously. “But there’s time for more surprises in the future.”

Shane walked out onto the porch. Charlotte’s heart filled with love for him. No matter what their grandmothers thought, she was glad they’d found each other.


After dinner, Shane said, “Want to walk on the beach? It’s cooling off, and there’s plenty of moonlight.”

“That would be lovely,” she said. “I’m full from dinner, and a walk will be good for me.”

They said thanks to Granny Liz and Grandpa Sam and headed out to the beach hand in hand.

Shane turned to her with a smile. “Just so you know, Grandpa Sam thinks you’re the best. He even told me I’d be a fool to let you go.”

“Oh? Have you thought about it?” Charlotte asked him.

He pulled her to him. “Never.”

They were standing in the water’s edge, gazing up at the moon, when they heard someone jogging toward them.

Charlotte turned around. “Hey, Austin, what’s up?”

“Dylan and I just got back from the Pink Pelican. Shane, I talked to our mother earlier.”

“Yeah? How was she?”

“Not good. Now she’s complaining that because you came to visit with Charlie, she’s never going to see you again.” Austin turned to her. “She knows you don’t like her, Charlie. I tried to explain that you were just protecting Shane.”

“What? She’s blaming me for something between her and Shane?” Charlotte glanced at Shane. “Is this the beginning of another battle between you?”

Shane shook his head. “God knows. It’s one thing or another. I’m sorry I even introduced you. But I’m glad you were there so you’d know what she’s like.”

“Me, too,” said Charlotte, more than a little worried about Diana.